Thursday, October 7, 2010


Q..   Why did the 49ers hire two nuns and a prostitute ?
A..   They wanted two tight ends and a wide receiver.
Q..   Why did the referee stop the leper hockey game ?
A..   There was a face-off in the corner.
Q..   What is the golfer's favorite lunch ?
A..   The club sandwich.
Q..   Who earns money while driving their customers away ?
A..    Taxi drivers.
Q..   Why was the scarecrow nominated for a nobel prize ?
A..    He was out standing in his field.
Q..   Which side of a leopard has the most spots ?
A..   The outside.
Q..   What are two things you can't eat before breakfast ?
A..    Lunch and dinner.
Q..   Can a kangaroo jump higher than a skyscraper ?
A..   Sure!  skyscrapers can't jump.
Q..   Why did the skeleton go to the party alone ?
A..    He had no body to go with.
Q..   What's the best way to capture a unique bird ?
A..    Unique up on it.
Q..   What soda do frogs drink ?
A..    Croak-a-cola.
Q..   What did the boyfriend melon say to his girlfriend melon ?
A..    I think we're too young -- we canteloupe.

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