Saturday, October 29, 2016

How well do you know the Dream?

Fifty-Three years ago, on Aug. 28, 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  gave one of the most iconic speeches in American history at the March on Washington.
King's masterly speech drew on America's founding documents ----- the Constitution and Declaration of Independence ------- which, according to King, promised " the riches of freedom and the security of justice" to all Americans. 
The quiz below provides an opportunity to test your knowledge of the march, King's "I Have a Dream" speech, and the civil rights movement.

1. What sentence was not in King's final written draft of the "I Have a Dream" speech?
A) "We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence."
B) "I have a dream"
C) "The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation"
D) "This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off"
2. In his speech, King said civil rights activists had come to Washington to do what?
A) Cash a check
B) Demand equal pay
C) Criticize the Kennedy administration
D) Disobey unjust laws
3. The first black civil rights activist to propose a march on Washington was:
A) W.E.B. DuBois
B) A. Philip Randolph
C) Frederick Douglass
D) Martin Luther King Jr.
4. The year 1963 marked the centennial of what historic event?
A) The end of the Civil War
B) The passage of the 13th Amendment
C) Union victory at the Battle of Antietam
D) The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation
5. King hoped his speech would be received in the same way as:
A) The Declaration of Independence
B) Frederick Douglass' speech "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"
C) The Gettysburg Address
D) Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
6. Civil rights activists organized the March on Washington to:
A) Mourn the loss of civil rights organizer Medgar Evers
B) Demand greater employment oppoutunities and racial justice
C) Show their support for the Civil Rights Act, then stalled in Congress
D) Engage in massive demonstrations of civil disobedience
7. After Reconstruction, when were federal troops called to the South for the first time to enforce civil rights?
A) The integration of Little Rock's Central High School in 1957
B) To intervene in Birmingham, Ala., during the May 1963 Children's Crusade
C) To protect CORE Freedom Riders in 1961
D) To protect those participating in lunch-counter sit-ins, which began in Greensboro, N.C., in 1960 Little Rock integration
8. Which civil rights activist argued that sit-in protests were "bigger than a hamburger"?
A) John Lewis
B) Ella Baker
C) Stokely Carmichael
D) Fannie Lou Hamer
9. Who is known as the sacrificial lamb of the civil rights movement?
A) Malcolm X
B) Medgar Evers
C) Martin Luther King Jr.
D) Emmett Till
10. What was not a part of the "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kan." decision?
A) The "separate but equal" doctrine adopted in Plessy v. Ferguson has no place in the field of public education.
B) Segregation of children in public schools on the basis of race deprives children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities
C) Desegregation will commence with all deliberate speed
D) Segregation in schools is a denial of the Constitution's equal of the protection guarantee

Answers : 1-B  ; 2-A   ; 3-B  ; 4-D  ; 5-C  ; 6-C  ; 7-A  ; 8-B  ; 9-D  ; 10-C

Math Problem

Replace each dot * with either 1, 4, 5, 6, or 9 to make the problem add up correctly.

Each number may be used only once.

                            * 3 * 7
                         + 6 * 3 *
                             7 7 9 *

Answer :  1357 + 6439  = 7796

It's Funny.........

The confused young man couldn't decide whether to marry Kathryn or Edith.   Try as he might, he just could not make up his mind.   Unwilling to give up either, he strung them along for far too long.   This indecision continued until both young women got tired of the situation and left him for good.

Moral of the story :
You can't have your Kate and Edith, too.

A quiz on the explorers club

Columbus Day commemorates Christopher Columbus' arrival in the "New World" on Oct. 12.  It is one of 10 federal holidays and is observed on the second Monday of October (Oct. 10 this year).  The first observance is said to have occurred in 1972, and it became a legal holiday 100 years later.
The quiz below provides an opportunity to test your knowledge of Columbus and other explorers who ventured into the unknown and changed the course of history.

1. When Columbus died in 1506, he still believed that his 1492 voyage had led him from the "Old World" to what other part of the world?
A) Africa
B) America
C) Asia
D) Austrialia
2. What country sponsored Columbus original voyage?
A) Italy
B) Spain
C) England
D) Portugal
3. Columbus left a contingent of men to build a settlement in what current-day country?
A) Haiti
B) Bahamas
C) Cuba
D) Jamaica
4. How many times did Columbus return to the Americas after his initial voyage?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
5. What present-day country did Columbus not explore on his voyages?
A) United States
B) Mexico
C) Honduras
D) Venezuela
6. In Columbus' journal, he writes that the goal of his voyage was to:
A) Convert people to Catholicism
B) Find a quicker trade route
C) Discover gold
D) Expand Spain's territory
7. In his first letter to the king and queen after his return to Europe, what did he note that the native people lacked?
A) Gold
B) Ships
C) Religion
D) Weapons
8. Which of the following was not an early explorer of the Americas?
A) John Cabot
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Vasco da Gama
D) Hernan Cortes
9) Which explorer discovered present-day Florida?
A) Francisco Pizarro
B) Jaun Ponce de Leon
C) Marco Polo
D) John Cabot
10. Who was the first known explorer of the Chesapeake Bay?
A) James Cook
B) Francis Drake
C) Hernando de Soto
D) John Smith

Answers : 1-C  ; 2-B  ; 3-A  ; 4-C  ; 5-A  ; 6-A  ; 7-D  ; 8-C  ; 9-B  ; 10-D

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Are the answers self-evident ?

When we celebrate the Fourth of July with a three-day weekend vacation, picnics, and fireworks, we sometimes forget the real meaning of the holiday.  The quiz below provides an opportunity for you to test and refresh your civic knowledge of the landmark occasion in American history that we celebrate.

1. The Fourth of July commemorates what important historic occasion?
A) The end of the Revolutionary War
B) The signing of the Declaration of Independence
C) Adoption of the Declaration of Independence by Congress
D) The signing of the Constitution

2. In which city was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A) Boston
B) New York
C) Philadelphia
D) Washington

3. Which of the following did not sign the Declaration of Independence?
A) Thomas Jefferson
B) John Adams
C) William Whipple
D) George Washington

4. Which of the following was included in the Declaration as a complaint against King George and the British Parliament?
A) Allowed only British tea to be sold in America
B) Imposed taxes without consent
C) Appointed liberal non-originalist judges
D) Gave charters to Church of England only, not other religious bodies

5. Which memorable phrase is not included in the Declaration of Independence?
A) Give me liberty or give me death
B) Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
C) The laws of nature and of nature's God
D) Supreme judge of the world

6. The original Declaration of Independence is housed in :
A) Independence Hall in Philadelphia
B) Library of Congress
C) Smithsonian Institution
D) National Archives

7. How many delegates from the 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence?
A) 13
B) 26
C) 39
D) 56

8. Which two presidents died on the Fourth of July?
A) George Washington and John Adams
B) John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
C) Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
D) Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt

9. Which president was born on the Fourth of July?
A) Calvin Coolidge
B) William Howard Taft
C) Dwight Eisenhower
D) Richard Nixon

10. According the Declaration of Independence, the people have the following right:
A) The right to bear arms
B) The right to equal protection of the laws
C) The right to alter or abolish their government
D) The right to a free education

Answers : 1-c  ; 2-c  ; 3-d  ; 4-b  ; 5-a  ; 6-d  ; 7-d  ; 8-b  ; 9-a   ; 10-c

Here are some of the "new" words created by this esteemed group!!

1. Cashtration : The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for
                            an indefinite period of time.

2. Intaxication : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money
                            to start with.

3. Reintarnation : Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

4. Bozone : The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.
                    The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future!

5. Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very high.

6. Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

7. Inoculatte : To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

8. Beelzebug : Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning
                         and cannot be cast out.

9. Carepallor : The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.

And Speaking of The Scripps National Spelling Bee..........

Here are some winning words of years gone by.

1925 : gladiolus
1926 : abrogate
1931 : foulard
1934 : deteriorating
1939 : canonical
1942 : sacrilegious
1943 to 1945  : No Spelling Bee due to World War II
1946 : semaphore
1950 : meticulosity
1953 : soubrette
1960 : eudaemonic
1961 : smaragdine
1962 : esquamulose
1971 : shalloon
1979 : maculature
1980 : elucubrate
1986 : odontalgia
1988 : elegiacal
1995 : xanthosis
1998 : chiaroscurist
2001 : succedaneum
2005 : appoggiatura
2012 : guetapens

Sunday, June 5, 2016

He Picks Up An Old Woman In His Cab. But He Wasn’t Ready For This…

Wife Gives The Best Response Ever To Her Husband’s Wish To Remarry Her. This Is Priceless.

Month of June

01 : Flip a Coin Day
02 : National Rocky Road Day
03 : National Doughnut Day
04 : National Trails Day
05 : World Environment Day
06 : National Gardening Exercise Day
07 : National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
08 : Best Friends Day
09 : Donald Duck Day
10 : Iced Tea Day
11 : National Corn on the Cob Day
12 : Red Rose Day
13 : Sewing Machine Day
14 : Monkey Around Day
15 : Smile Power Day
16 : Fresh Vegetables Day
17 : Eat Your Vegetables Day
18 : National Splurge Day
19 : National Kissing Day
20 : Ice Cream Soda Day
21 : Go Skate Day
22 : National Chocolate Eclair Day
23 : National Pink Day
24 : Swim a Lap Day
25 : National Catfish Day
26 : Beautician's Day
27 : Sun Glasses Day
28 : Insurance Awareness Day
29 : International Mud Day
30 : Meteor Day

Thoughts of the Time

Then and Now!

Freedom of Religion, freedom of the press and freedom of person under the protection of the habeaus corpus, these are principles that have guided our steps through the age of revolution and reformation.
 ---------Thomas Jefferson

America is another name for opportunity.  Our whole history appears like a last effort of divine Providence in behalf of the human race.
----------Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is no gambling like politics.
----------Benjamin Disraeli

Bad officals are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
----------Chicago Government Poster

In the cause of freedom, we have to battle for the rights of people with whom we do not agree; and whom, in many cases, we may not like.  These people test the strength of the freedoms which protect all of us.  If we do not defend their rights, we endanger our own.
----------Harry S. Truman

Weird News

Vulture shock in Philly home
Philadelphia, Pa. ---------------  If this keeps up, Philadelphians might want to consider renaming their football team.
                                                    The city's Department of Licenses and Inspections was set to demolish a long-vacant home that residents say has become home to a committee of turkey vultures.  Yes, a group of the birds ---- sometimes also called buzzards ---- is known as a "committee." 
                                                    Christina Ali-Bey says she lives next door to the home and can hear the vultures scratching and walking around all night long, "Like a horror movie."
                                                    She even afraid the birds will scoop up her tiny dog, Rocco, a teacup Yorke.  Other residents see the birds regularly picking through their trash.
                                                    The birds are a protected species, so it's illegal to harm or kill them.  Residents hope demolition forces them to move.

Can I get directions to the swamp?
Tampa, Fla. --------------------    A Florida family thought someone was trying to break into their apartment when they heard knocking sounds at 4 a.m.
                                                    It turns out a 5-foot alligator was outside their front door.  And so were Tampa police officers.
                                                    Police and Florida Fish and Wildlife officers caught the gator and returned it to the wild.
                                                    It was the second such alligator-knocking incident in the South in recent weeks.
                                                   Earlier this month a gator wandered into a neighborhood near Charleston, S.C., and appeared to reach for the doorbell at one home.  The incident was caught on video by a resident.

Playing opossum in the bathroom
San Diego ---------------------     The San Diego County Department of Animal Services says a baby opossum is doing well after being rescued from a toilet.
                                                   The soaking wet little creature is seen in photos posted on the department's Facebook page.
                                                   The agency says a Pacific Beach woman found the critter in her toilet on May 1 and Animal Control Officer Carlos Wallis responded and took it to the San Diego Humane Society's Project Wildlife.  It will be released when it is old enough to survive on its own.

And the money was fake, too!
Kochville Township, Mich.     A Michigan man is facing charges after a stripper was paid with a counterfeit $100 bill following a lap dance.
                                                   Stephen Gidcumb, 32, is charged with intentionally passing counterfeit notes, Police tell the Detroit News that fake bills were mixed with real $100 bills.
                                          reports the man arrested May 13 after returning to the strip club in Kockville Township, near Saginaw, later that day.  Chief Assistant Saginaw prosecutor Christopher Boyd says club workers were "on the lookout" for Gidcumb.
                                                    Other fake bills were found at his Mount Morris home.  Boyd says they were made on a computer. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

'Hey, he looks like my Uncle Oscar! '

                                  Millie Lang is still angry.
                                  Fifty-four years later.
                                  "How Audrey Hepburn, my favorite actress ever, didn't win the Oscar for best actress in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's, my favorite movie, was a crime," Lang, 80, said outside the Giant food store in New Britain on Friday morning.
                                   "She's Holly Golightly; everybody remembers her, one of the most famous roles in history," the Chalfont woman said.  "She should've won.  Nobody remembers who won her Oscar that year.  Do you?"
                                  I didn't remember, and with good reason: I was 4 on Oscar night in 1962.
                                  The actress who won Hepburn's Oscar, as Lang phrased it, was Sophia Loren in "Two Women, which netted Loren 22 international awards.  The Oscar would have been Hepburn's second; she won as Best Actress for "Roman Holiday" in 1954.
                                 So, there are winners and there are losers on Oscar night.  But how much do you really know about Hollywood's biggest event.  Before the envelopes are opened at the 88th Oscars tonight, let's find out :

1. Who's the only Oscar to win an Oscar?
a) Oscar de la Renta.
b) Oscar Hammerstein II.
c) Oscar Isaac
d) Oscar Micheaux
2. Where did the name "Oscar" originate?
a) Named after Oscar Huegler, first president of the Academy.
b) Acronym of first initial of each Academy board member's last name.
c) Named for Oscar J. Johnson, who designed the award.
d) Academy executive director named it for her uncle Oscar, who award resembled.
3. Who is youngest actor to win an Oscar?
a) Anna Paquin
b) Mickey Rooney
c) Tatum O'Neal
d) Jackie Cooper
4. Who is the most nominated actor of all time, with 12?
a) Clark Gable
b) Humphrey Bogart
c) Jack Nicholson
d) Robert DeNiro
5. Which is the only X-rated film to win Best Picture?
a) "Midnight Cowboy"
b) "A Clockwork Orange"
c) "Last Tango in Paris"
d) "The Pawnbroker"
6. Who was the first African-American to win an Oscar?
a) Hattie McDaniel
b) Sidney Poiter
c) Dorothy Dandridge
d) Cicely Tyson
7. Which filmmaker won a record four Best Director Oscars?
a) Billy Wilder
b) Steven Spielberg
c) Howard Hawks
d) John Ford
8. Who has won the most Oscars (3) as Lead Actor?
a) Jack Nicholson
b) Chrisropher Plummer
c) Daniel Day-Lewis
d) Christopher McLean
9. Who has been nominated eight times as Lead Actor, but never won?
a) Humphrey Bogart
b) Peter O'Toole
c) Mickey Rooney
d) Lucas Kile
10. Who has been nominated six times as Lead Actress, but never won?
a) Sigourney Weaver
b) Glenn Close
c) Elizabeth Taylor
d) Sophie Leibowitz
11. Which film won the first Oscar for outstanding picture in 1929?
a) "Wings"
b) "Marvelous and Maddining"
c) "The Gangster"
d) "Melody Makers"
12. Who has hosted the Oscars the most?
a) Johnny Carson
b) Bob Hope
c) Billy Crystal
d) William Holden
13. Composer John Williams garnered his 50th Oscar nomination this year for the "Star Wars":  The Force Awakens" score.  For which movie did he not previously win?
a) "E.T. The Extraterrestrial"
b) "Superman"
c) "Schindler's List"
d) "Star Wars"
14. Who is the only actress to win an Oscar for portraying a man?
a) Cate Blanchette
b) Linda Hunt
c) Hillary Swank
d) Felicity Huffman
15. Who is the only person to win an Oscar and the Noble Prize?
a) John Steinback
b) Jean-Paul Sartre
c) George Bernard Shaw
d) Al Gore
16. Who was the first person to turn down an Oscar?
a) Dudley Nichols
b) George C. Scott
c) Marlon Brando
d) Peter Yourl
17. For which movie did the Beatles win an Oscar?
a) "A Hard Day's Night"
b) "Help"
c) "Yellow Submarine"
d) "Let it be"
18. Who are the only brother-sister pair to win Oscars?
a) Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine
b) Lionel and Ethel Barrymore
c) Peter and Jane Fonda
d) Eric and Julia Roberts

Answers : 1-b  ; 2-d  ; 3-c  ; 4-c  ; 5-a  ; 6-a  ; 7-d  ; 8-c  ; 9-b  ; 10-b  ; 11-a  ;12-b  ; 13-b  ; 14-b  ; 15-c  ; 16-a  ; 17-d  ; 18-b

Songs of Springs

1. When It's Springtime        A) the Rainbow 
2. April                              B) Azaleas Start Blooming 
3. June Is                          C) Night
4. Easter                           D) of the Silvery Moon
5. Over                             E) a Tulip
6. When the White              F) Showers
7. By the Light                   G) Through the Tulips
8. June                             H) Bustin' Out All Over
9. When You Wore               I)  Parade  
10. Tiptoe                          J) in the Rockies

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Richard Who ?

Here are some men named Richard who have made their mark in show business in various ways.
See how many you can match with their accomplishments.

1. Richard Chamberlain
2.       "       Burton
3.       "       Carpenter
4.       "       Harris
5.       "       Dawson
6.       "       Roundtree
7.       "       Rodgers
8.       "       Brooks
9.       "       Widmark
10.     "       Gere

A) One of his early movies was Days of Heaven.
B) He played King Arthur in movie version of Camelot.
C) He directed such movies as in Cold Blood and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
D) He starred in the TV series Dr. Kildare
E) He made his movie debut as killer in Kiss of Death in 1947
F) He won his first Oscar nomination for My Cousin Rachel in 1952
G) He co-wrote the hit song Top of the World
H) He played Shaft in the movie of the same name
I)  He hosted the Family Feud quiz show and was a panelist on the Match Game on TV
J) Among his Broadway musical hits was Flower Drum Song

Answers : 1-D  ; 2-F  ; 3-G  ; 4-B  ; 5-I  ; 6-H  ; 7-J  ; 8-C  ; 9-E  ; 10-A

Question & Answer

What is Corpus Christi ?

Corpus Christi is rhe solemnity that celebrates the transformation of the bread and wine into Jesus Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist.  It is celebrated on the Sunday following Trinity Sunday.  St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon, Belgium, had a deep devotion to the Eucharist.  One night, St. Juliana had a vision.   She saw the full moon, representing the Church, with a dark spot in it, representing the missing solemnity.  The Eucharist was so important it needed its own feast day. 
St. Juliana petitioned everyone from her bishop, Robert de Thorete, to the pope to institute a special feast in honor of the Eucharist.  Bishop Robert, who favored her request, ordered the celebration to be held in his diocese.  Word of the solemnity reached Pope Urban IV, and in 1264, he ordered a Church-wide celebration for Corpus Christi, and granted indulgences to the faithful if they attended Mass that day.  Finally, he asks St. Thomas Aquinas to compose the Office for the feast.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Feasts & Celebrations

May 5 -- Ascension of the Lord.
This solemnity marks the completion of Jesus mission of salvation and his triumphant entry into Heaven.    Note: In many dioceses, observance of the Ascension has been moved to the following Sunday.

May 10 -- St. Damien of Molokai (1889).
Born in Belgium in 1840, Joseph de Veuster became Father Damien at the age of 19.  He ministered to people with leprosy on the Hawaiian island of Molokai where he built roads, water systems, churches, and coffins.  He began each homily with "My dear Lepers," until one day it became "My fellow Lepers."  He died of the disease after serving for sixteen years.  He is the patron of lepers and outcasts.

May 13 -- Our Lady of Fatima (1917)
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three peasant children near Fatima, Portugal.  Mary gave the children three secrets and asked them to pray the Rosary for world peace, for the end of World War I, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia.

From Scripture

Luke 9:11b-17, God's generosity

This Gospel illustrates Jesus compassion and generosity.  He and his disciples were tired after a long, hard day of preaching.  Certainly he would have been entitled to some rest.  Yet when the crowds followed him, he cared for them and taught them.  The people were tired and hungry, so he asked the disciples to feed them. 
Overwhelmed by the numbers, they asked Jesus to send everyone home to get food.  It seemed like an impossible task to feed them all.
Instead, Jesus took what little food they had --- five loaves and two fish --- and multiplied it a thousand times.  The disciples were awed by Jesus' power.  For God, there is no need so great that it can't be met.
We may give God a little time, attention, or service but we cannot "out-give" the Giver.  He will take our gift to him and give us something magnificent in return.  We see this clearly in the Eucharist.  God only asks for an hour of our time once a week.  In exchange he gives us himself --- Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Mary brings us to the heart of her Son

Jesus so loved his mother that his last thoughts on the Cross were of her.  He gave her to us as our own mother, and wants us to honor her.  "Since Mary is rightly to be regarded as the way by which we are led to Christ, the person who encounters Mary cannot help but encounter Christ likewise"  (Mense Maio, Blessed Pope Paul VI).

For her "yes"
Without fully understanding what God intended, she unhesitatingly agreed to become his mother.  Her "yes" made it possible for God to becomehuman and be crucified for our salvation.  Following her example means saying, "yes" to whatever God asks.

For her sacrifice.
Wouldn't you be forever grateful to someone who gave up her child so that you and your loved ones might live?  Mary loved her amazing child and she experienced unspeakable heartache as he was sacrificed for us.  Praying the Rosary regularly reminds us of the life of Jesus and the desire of his Mother to bring us close to his heart.

Why Do Catholics Do That ?

Why do Catholics believe in the Trinity?

The Trinity is one of the great, central mysteries of our faith.  We believe it because Jesus, who is Truth,  revealed it to us.
"Go......make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19).  The Trinity is one God in three Persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #253).  The Three Persons are distinct from one another, yet each is God.

Give your prayer life a boost

A rich prayer life is the key to happiness in this life and the next.  Enriching our prayer is not always about the prayers we say, however.  How we approach our time in prayer can be as important.
"Be still, and know that I am God"
(Psalm 46:11).  When we greet a dear friend, we may wave, hug, or say, "hello".  When beginning prayer, start by placing yourself in God's presence and greet him as a dearly loved one.

Come as you are.
God is the only one in our lives with whom we can be completely ourselves.  We don't need to have special clothing, use flowery language, or fold our hands a certain way.  For prayer to work, we just have to bring our whole selves.  You will be amazed by what he will do with that.

Take time out.
"Silence is so lacking in this world which is often too noisy, which is not favorable to recollection and listening to the voice of God" (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI).  Find fifteen minutes you can make silent and place God at the center of your attention.

Don't stop with prayer.
Prayer helps us to learn God's will for us.  When we act in communion with his will, it is then that our whole life becomes a prayer in action.

One Minute Meditations

St. Philip Neri
Born in Florence in 1515, St. Philip Neri was known for his impulsiveness and sense of humor from a young age.  Although he was in line to become a succesful businessman, he abandoned his career for a life of prayer and study, spending much of his time giving spiritual direction to the youth.  He later founded the Oratorians, where reading, singing, and charitable works were to be practiced.  He is remembered for his humor and his joyful love of God.

True Charity
True charity is challenging because it requires patience, St. Therese said, "True charity consists in putting up with all one's neighbor's faults, never being surprised by his weakness, and being inspired by the least of his virtues."  Think positively about everyone - even those who irriate you.

"True charity consists in doing good to those who do us evil, and in thus winning them over."
St. Alphonsus Ligouri

The Month of May 2016

 01  : Save the Rhino Day
 02  : Baby Day
 03  : World Press Freedom Day
 04  : Bird Day
 05  : Oyster Day
 06  : Military Spouses Day
 07  : National Tourism Day
 08  : Iris Day
 09  : Lost Sock Memorial Day
 10  : Clean Up Your Room Day
 11  : Twilight Zone Day
 12  : Fatigue Syndrome Day
 13  : Friday the 13th - The only one in 2016!!
 14  : International Migratory Bird Day
 15  : Police Officer's Memorial Day
 16  : Love a Tree Day
 17  : Pack Rat Day
 18  : No Dirty Dishes Day
 19  : Boy's Club Day
 20  : Pick Strawberries Day
 21  : National Waiters and Waitresses Day
 22  : Buy a Musical Instrument Day
 23  : Lucky Penny Day
 24  : National Escargot Day
 25  : National Wine Day
 26  : Sally Ride Day
 27  : Sun Screen Day
 28  : International Jazz Day
 29  : Learn About Composting Day
 30  : Water a Flower Day
 31  : National Macaroon Day

I Remember :

Black & White TV  (Under age 45?  You won't understand.)
You could hardly see for all the snow, spread the rabbit ears as far as they go!!

"Good Night, David.  Good Night, Chet"

My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning.

My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter and I used to eat it raw sometimes. 
Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice packed coolers, but I can't remember getting e.coli.

Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool, no beach closures then.

The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system.

A Man Makes A Hole In A Potato And Jams A Stick Inside. Just A Few Weeks Later, Something Beautiful Happens…

Exercise Block

Soda cases stack

Sunday, April 3, 2016

What do you think ?

Do you remember ?

Happy Hour

He Transforms This Light Bulb Into Something Very Cool After Hollowing It Out

The Best Worst Dad Jokes You Could Possibly Imagine. These Are Gold.


Name this Song

This song was popular in the 60's and we could all dance to it. 

Can you name the song, just by looking at the picture?

You'll kick yourself!! Think harder!!!!!

Hey, don't blame me. I'm just forwarding this to those whose sense of humor I believe is as warped as mine.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

God's mercy is real

Pope Francis recently said, "Mercy is real.  It is the first attribute of God."  How can we experience God's mercy ourselves in a powerful and personal way?

Practice it
Jesus taught us to pray, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."  In order to receive mercy, we must offer it ourselves.  Release your debtors, whether it is a material, emotional, spiritual, or psychological debt they owe to you.  Then learn to ask for mercy from others.  You will find that kindness is contagious and God's mercy will flow through you.

Open the door to it
The door of your parish church is the door to the path of salvation.  Use it at least weekly to attend Sunday Mass.

Ask for it
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the offer of mercy God never withdraws.  We may be afraid to ask.  To return to the embrace of our Father, all we need do is recognize our wrongs, ask his pardon, and to seek his love in the Sacrament.

A heartfelt conversion leads to Christ

During Lent, the Church invites us to purify our souls so we can begin again at Easter.  We do this in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and by converting our hearts, our goods, and our time to God's purposes.

Convert heart
Jesus sparks renewal in a contrite heart, one that acknowledges its weaknesses and sins and is prepared to change.  True conversion is demonstrated when we put new heart into our work or study and in the way we care for our family or friends.  when we make life more pleasant for those around us and make our work more effective, we strengthen our conversion.

Convert goods
Earthly goods are not bad in themselves, but we can't focus on acquiring goods and still be dedicated to holiness.  Christ can't fill a heart bogged down with earthly distractions.  Instead, convert your possessions into instruments for God's purposes.  What God can't use, give away.

Convert time
Picture Lent as a time when Christ is calling each of us to draw closer to Christ, we will always find the strength to overcome the weaknesses and defects in ourselves that we can't conquer on our own.  Use whatever free time you may have this season to pray, mediate, and read about Christ to learn and love him better.

Laying our gifts at the feet of the King

The three Wise Men gave Jesus gifts worthy of a king.  We can also present him with our own royal gifts.  While ours may not be actual gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we can still give to him the best we have.

The gift of kings, the "gold" we can offer the King of Kings is our talents and abilities.  Like gold, our talents do the most good when given to others.

Frankincense was used as incense during worship and symbolized the prayers offered up to God.  In the time of Jesus, frankincense was used by priests whose job it was to intercede for the people.  Our priestly ministry can be praying daily for those who need it, especially anyone we know who is struggling and comfort.

A spice used to ease suffering, myrrh was a valuable gift.  Mother Teresa once said, "I serve because I love Jesus."  Our kindness can be our "myrrh" offered to God ---- a valuable gift.

Celebrate life all year round

January is the month during which our Church celebrates life.  This is when we take time to recognize that we are all reflections of God and have great value in his eyes from the moment of conception to a natural death.  Celebrating life means being pro-human every day of the year.

Befriend a lonely or disabled person.
Spend time with someone who is often alone.  Take an elderly neighbor grocery shopping or bring her groceries if she is housebound.  Treat an intellectually disabled friend to a movie.  Often these folks are on shoestring budgets, can feel isolated, and will appreciate the help and friendship.

Support local food programs.
Volunteer to provide meals to a local food bank or soup kitchen.  Collect canned goods in your church, neighborhood, work place, or community.

Steward your money.
Research the institutions where you spend, save, or invest your money to find out what you are financially supporting.  Does your favorite store support causes that you feel ultimately victimize others or disrespect your faith and beliefs?  Stop shopping there.  Does your bank fund organizations you find offensive?  Put your money elsewhere.

Nuture patience.
Ignore the crying baby at Mass.  Respond to a sharp word with a kind one (even when you're right).  Let someone ahead of you in line.  People are more important than schedules.

Mom's Rules

Customer Starts Arguing At The Drive-Thru. What Follows Next Is Priceless

10 Great Reasons To Be Thankful You Are Not Left Handed

She Drags The Mailman Into Her Bedroom. When He Asks Why, She Says This…

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Questions and Answers

                                 Why was Jesus baptized if he was without sin?
Much of what Jesus did in his ministry was to be an example for us.  Though he was sinless, Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by John as a visible sign of his willingness to obey the Father's will.  Doing the Father's will is what he wants from us.  After Jesus was baptized, the skies opened up and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus.  "And a voice came from the heavens, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).
Baptism is often called, "The Gateway Sacrament," because it is the first one we receive when coming into the Catholic Church and the others.  It is usually administered to infants for that reason.  Baptism is key to our own redemption so it is fitting that Jesus led the way.  We follow him.  "There is the whole mystery:  he died for you.  In him you are redeemed, in him you are saved"  (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1225).

                      Does following the Beatitudes mean I have to be miserable to be happy?
The Beatitudes can seem contradictory or confusing.  Yet Jesus meant them as foolproof ways to obtain happiness here and in Heaven.
When he created us, God put the desire for happiness in our hearts (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1718).
Knowing how to read the Beatitude blueprint is the key to that happiness.
For example, Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 5:3).  That doesn't mean we should be unhappy in order to get to Heaven.  Rather, it means that instead of trying to go through life on our own, we can surrender to our dependence on God and he will lead us to Heaven.
Jesus demonstrated how to live the Beatitudes.  When he saw suffering, he mourned, and didn't give in to his desire to "feel good."  He was pure of heart and lived by God's laws.  When he was insulted, he refused to react in violence.  He showed mercy by forgiving his tormentors, returning good for evil.

From Scripture

Luke 4:21 - 30, Live the truth
From the time God promised a Messiah, his people imagined a triumphant king with extraordinary abilities who would defeat Israel's enemies.  They didn't expect someone ordinary, or even familiar, like Jesus.
Still, his friends and neighbors had heard reports about his amazing deeds and were excited when he read Isaiah's prophecy about the Messiah and announced its fulfillment in him.
All of that changed when they heard the tough message Jesus had for the children of Israel.  They wanted a comforting message from him, not one that reminded them of how often they failed God.  And when Jesus mentioned God's grace to the Gentiles, a people they thought were inferior to themselves, they became angry and threw him out.  They forfeited his blessings because they rejected his word.
There is no substitute for the truth, even when it is hard to hear.  Turning our backs on the truth will close the doors to the kingdom to us.  For a follower of Jesus, living the truth of the Gospel is the only way to fully enjoy God's blessings and grace.

Luke 13:1-9,  Sin is a tragedy
In Jesus's time, it was thought that physical suffering and death were the punishment for sin.  If someone suffered, neighbors wondered what he did to deserve his ill fate.  Jesus explained that tragedy and death are part of life and he referred to two senseless tragedies to illustrate.
In the first, Pilate's soldiers killed Jews offering sacrifices.  The second tragedy was a collapsed tower.  Jesus explained that not every tragedy signifies a sin.  The real tragedy, Jesus pointed out, would be if the people had died without repenting for their sins.  Life is temporary .  Heaven is eternal.
God is always ready to offer forgiveness to repentant sinners.  Jesus told a parable about a barren fig tree.  A tree without fruit should be cut down but it was given more time at the gardener's request.  Jesus said that God, like the merciful gardener, wants to give us more time to repent and follow him more faithfully.  The tree may still respond to care.  While God's love, grace, and mercy are freely given to us, they should not be taken for granted.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Why Do Catholics Do That?

                                 Why do Catholics gesture during the Confiteor?
Prayers involve the mind, heart, voice, and body.  When our bodies also participate, we tend to pray with greater attention.  For this reason, during the Confiteor, we strike our breasts at the words, "through my own fault."  Striking one's breast is an ancient symbol of repentance and sorrow.  In the Confiteor, we recognize and profess sorrow for our sins by word and deed.  This helps prepare us for a more holy participation in the sacred Eucharistic celebration that itself can affect reparation for sins.

                                Why are there "Doctors of the Church"?
There are thirty-six Doctors of the Church, which include St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Augustine.  Church Doctors are saints who have special intellectual gifts.  These men and women were found to have had a deep understanding and orthodoxy in their writing and teaching, particularly in a topic or area.  While this does not mean that that the works themselves are infallible, the Church considers the contributions made by these Doctors to be good guides for spiritual life.

It Was Just An Ordinary Flight, But No One Was Prepared For What These Men Were About To Do…

This Former CIA Agent Demonstrates An Important Life-Saving Trick That We Should All Know - Trendzified

One Minute Meditations

St. John Bosco
St. John Bosco was moved by the plight of young abandoned boys in Rome.  Using reason, religion and kindness he taught the boys how to unite their faith with work and play.
By opening the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales, he provided workshops for boys in shoemaking and tailoring.  He got them off the streets, educated them, and helped them find jobs.  In 1859, he founded the Salesians who were committed to education and mission work.

Never too busy
As Chancellor of England, St. Thomas More was swamped yet always found time to pray.  He said, "I have much very important business to handle and I need light and wisdom....."  When you feel overwhelmed, remember St. Thomas and ask God for the "light and wisdom" to meet your challenges.

St. Josephine Bahkita
Born in Darfur, Sudan around 1869, she was kidnapped and sold into slavery.  Her captors gave her the name Bahkita, which means "fortunate."  After several years of serving under cruel masters, she was bought by Augusto Michieli.  The Michielis sent Bahkita with their daughter to Italy, where Bahkita encountered Catholicism.  Overjoyed, she was baptized and took the name Josephine.  In 1893, instead of returning to Africa with the Michielis, she decided to enter the Institute of St. Magdalene of Canossa.

The advice, "forgive and forget" isn't easy to follow.  Forgiveness means letting go of your anger so you are free to heal.  Do you need to forgive anyone?  Pray for the grace to forgive as God forgives you:  freely, totally, and quickly.

The Fourth Wise Man

                                The Gospel does not tell us how many wise men, or magi, journeyed to Bethlehem following the star.  Popular tradition holds that there were three-Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.  But there is also a tradition of a forth wise man, named Artaban.
                               As Artaban prepared to set out and follow the star, he took with him a  sapphire, a ruby and a pearl of great price as gifts for the newborn King, whereever He is to be found.
                              On his way to join the other wise men, Artaban stopped to care for a sick traveler.  If he stayed, however, to help he would miss the rendezvous with his friends.  He stayed, and the delay was just enough to make him late for the departure of the caravan.  Now Artaban was alone, and he needed transportation and supplies to cross the dessert.  So he sold the sapphire to purchase camels and supplies.  He was saddened because the King would never have this precious gem.
                              Artaban journeyed onward and reached Bethlehem, but again he was too late.  There were soldiers everywhere to carry out Herod's command that the male children should be slain.  Artaban, therefore took out the brilliant ruby to bribe the captain and save the children in the village in which he was staying.  Children were saved, mothers rejoiced; but the ruby, also, would not reach the King.
                             For 33 years Artaban searched in vain, and finally found his way to Jerusalem on the day several crucifixions were to take place.  Artaban hurried towards Calvary in order to bribe the Roman guard with the precious pearl and save the man called Jesus.  Something told him that this was the King of Kings for whom he had been searching all his life.
                             Just then, a young women being dragged along the street toward the slave market, called out to Artaban pleading for help.  With only a slight hesitation, he gave the last jewel, the pearl of great price, for her ransom.  Now Artaban had none of the precious gems he was going to present to the King.
                            Reaching the place where the crucifixions were to occur he was heartbroken when he saw he could do nothing to help Jesus.  But something remarkable happened.  Jesus looked over toward Artaban and said to him:
"Don't be brokenhearted, Artaban.  You've been helping me all your life.  When I was hungry, you gave me food, When I was thirsty, you gave me drink.  When I was naked, you clothed me, when I was a stranger, you took me in."
                            Some say Artaban never found Christ.  Others say he was the wisest of the wise men.  

Did You Know That.............

While 75% of chocolate purchases are made by women all year long, during the days and minutes before Valentine's Day, 75% of the chocolate purchases are made by men.  Over $1 billion of chocolate is purchased for Valentine's Day.

February 14th was formerly thought to be the first day of mating season for birds.  This sparked the custom of sending valentines to each other.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Did You Know?

Usernets and Bulletin Board Systems --- the earliest forms of online communication --- hit the internet allowing users to exchange data over phone lines.

America online launched AOL and email, which for many people was their introduction into the World Wide Web.

1995 is launched.  The social networking site allows users to find and connect with former acquaintances and classmates.  Craigslist starts as an email distrubution list to friends of Craig Newmark featuring local events in the San Francisco Bay Area;  in 1996 it became a Web-based service that expanded into other classified categories.

AOL's instant Messenger is born allowing for real time instant online communication.

Following the Sept. 11 attacks, online memorials pop up in cyberspace including one for families of Cantor Fitzgerald employees who died in the World Trade Center

2002 launched, as did Meetup, another online social networking site that helped organize offline group meetings in various locations worldwide.  Meetup users enter their zip codes or city and the topic they want to meet about, and the website helps them arrange a place and time to meet.

2003 launched, as did Linkedin and Photobucket.  Google bought the blog-publishing service, which allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.

Facebook is founded as a way for college students to connect.  It opened to the general public in 2006 and overtakes MySpace as the most popular social networking site in 2008.  Also launched were Digg and Flickr, World of Warcraft, a multiplayer online role-playing game, and Vimeo, a video-sharing website where users upload, share and view videos.

The video-sharing website You Tube is launched, as is the entertainment, social networking and news website Reddit, which allows registered users to submit content, including posts or direct links.  In 2006, Conde Nast Publications acquires the site from the University of Virginia roommates who founded it.

Twitter launched.

Tumblr launched.

Facebook created the "Like" button, and Foursquare, the local search and discovery mobile app, is launched.

Instagram is launched as a free smartphone mobile app; also launched was Storify, a social networking service that lets the user create stories or timelines using social media outlets.  It opened to the public in 2011.

Pinterest, Google Plus and Snapchat are launched.

Vine, the short-form video sharing service, where users share six-second long looping video clips, is launched.  Users videos are published through Vine's social network and can be shared on other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Periscope, the live video streaming app for IOS and Android devices, is launched.

Super Bowl Game Quiz

Sometimes, you just know about the Super Bowl.  But as you might have watched the Super Bowl 50 on Sunday Feb. 7th, how much do you truly know about the game and its history?
Let's find out.

1. What was the halftime entertainment at the first Super Bowl?
a) Up With People
b) Grambling University marching band
c) University of Arizona marching band
d) Carol Channing
2. What was the official name of the first Super Bowl?
a) First AFL-NFL Championship Game
b) Super Bowl I
c) The Game
d) World Championship of Football
3. Which Colts player's insulting pregame comment about the 18-point underdog Jets at Super Bowl III prompted Joe Namath's "guarantee" of victory?
a) Tom Matte
b) Mike Curtis
c) Bubba Smith
d) Lou Michaels
4. How many times has a quarterback beem named the Super Bowl MVP?
a) 26
b) 27
c) 28
d) 31
5. What is the cost of a 30-second commercial for Super Bowl 50?
a) $3 million
b) $3.5 million
c) $4 million
d) $5 million
6. Which city has hosted the most Super Bowls?
a) New Orleans
b) Miami
c) Los Angeles
d) Tampa
7. Who's the only player from a losing team to be named a Super Bowl MVP?
a) Chuck Howley
b) Jim Kelly
c) Roger Staubach
d) Kurt Warner
8. Which players have played in the most Super Bowls (six) ?
a) Tom Brady and Mike Lodish
b) Marv Fleming and Tom Brady
c) Charles Haley and Marv Fleming
d) Gale Gilbert and Mike Lodish
9. Which Super Bowl winning quarterback has the lowest passer rating in that particular game (22.6)?
a) Trent Dilfer
b) Ben Roethlisberger
c) Jim McMahon
d) Brad Johnson
10. Why was Super Bowl XI different from any other?
a) The "Star-Spangled Banner" wasn't played prior to the game
b) The kickoff was at night
c) The halftime show was canceled due to poor field conditions
d) A U.S. president performed the pregame coin flip
11. What does it mean that Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is a pescatarian?
a) He fears driving at night
b) He collects Pez dispensers
c) Wears no leather products
d) He eats fish, but not meat
12. Who was the first person to win the Super Bowl as a player and a head coach?
a) Mike Ditka
b) Dan Reeves
c) Tom Flores
d) Tony Dungy
13. How many teams have played in, but never won, the Super Bowl?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
14. How many men have been head coach of an NCAA champion and a Super Bowl champion?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
15. Who was the youngest head coach to win the Super Bowl?
a) John Madden
b) Mike Tomlin
c) Jon Gruden
d) Jimmy Johnson
16. What occurs on Super Sunday more times than any other day of the year?
a) Toilets are flushed
b) Pizza is eaten
c) Beer is consumed
d) Alcohol-related vehicle accidents occur
17. How many teams have never played in a Super Bowl?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7

Answers : 1-c  ; 2-a  ; 3-d  ; 4-b  ; 5-d  ; 6-b  ; 7-a  ; 8-a  ; 9-b  ; 10-a  ; 11-d  ; 12-c  ; 13-d  ; 14-b  ; 15-b  ; 16-a  ; 17-b