Saturday, February 20, 2016

Celebrate life all year round

January is the month during which our Church celebrates life.  This is when we take time to recognize that we are all reflections of God and have great value in his eyes from the moment of conception to a natural death.  Celebrating life means being pro-human every day of the year.

Befriend a lonely or disabled person.
Spend time with someone who is often alone.  Take an elderly neighbor grocery shopping or bring her groceries if she is housebound.  Treat an intellectually disabled friend to a movie.  Often these folks are on shoestring budgets, can feel isolated, and will appreciate the help and friendship.

Support local food programs.
Volunteer to provide meals to a local food bank or soup kitchen.  Collect canned goods in your church, neighborhood, work place, or community.

Steward your money.
Research the institutions where you spend, save, or invest your money to find out what you are financially supporting.  Does your favorite store support causes that you feel ultimately victimize others or disrespect your faith and beliefs?  Stop shopping there.  Does your bank fund organizations you find offensive?  Put your money elsewhere.

Nuture patience.
Ignore the crying baby at Mass.  Respond to a sharp word with a kind one (even when you're right).  Let someone ahead of you in line.  People are more important than schedules.

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