Monday, February 8, 2016

Month of February

01  : National Freedom Day
02  : Ground Hog Day
03  : The Day the Music Died Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash  
04  : Thank a Mailman Day
05  :  National Weatherman's Day
06  :  Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
07  :  Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day
08  :  Clean out Your Computer Day
09  :  Toothache Day
10  :  Umbrella Day
11  :  White T-Shirt Day
12  :  Plum Pudding Day
13  :  Get a Different Name Day
14  :  Ferris Wheel Day
15  :  National Gum Drop Day
16  :  Do a Grouch a Favor Day
17  :  RandomActs of Kindness Day
18  :  National Battery Day
19  :  National Chocolate Mint Day
20  :  Cherry Pie Day
21  :  Card Reading Day
22  :  Be Humble Day
23  :  International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
24  :  National Tortilla Chip Day
25  :  Pistol Patent Day
26  :  Tell a Fairy Tale Day
27  :  Polar Bear Day
28  :  Public Sleeping Day
29  :  Leap Day : Occurs once every four years!

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