Tuesday, June 12, 2012

POP QUIZ (Who was that No. 2?)

                 On this dy in 1850, Millard Fillmore was sworn in as president of the United States, taking over for Zachary Taylor, who died the day before.  So, in honor of what shouldbe known as Incredibly Obscure Vice Presidents Day, match up the No. 2 with the president whom he served.

1. Alban W. Barkley                   a) George H.W. Bush
2. Joseph R. Biden                     b) Grover Cleveland
3. George Clinton                      c) Gerald R. Ford
4. Charles Curtis                       d) Herbert Hoover
5. Hannibal Hamlin                     e) Thomas Jefferson
6. Adiai E. Stevenson                 f) Abraham Lincoln
7. Richard Mentor Johnson          g) Barack Obama
8. J. Danforth Quayle                 h) William H. Taft
9. Nelson A. Rockefeller              i) Harry S. Truman
10. James S. sherman                j) Martin Van Buren

Answers : 1. i  ; 2. g  ; 3. e  ; 4. d  ; 5. f  ; 6. b  ; 7. j  ; 8. a  ; 9. c  ; 10. h

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