Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mini Jokes #2

Pat : What is a torando's favorite game show?
Heidi: "Wind, Lose or Draw"!

Jack : What did the Munchkins call the heavy snowstorm that hit the Emerald City?
Tommy : The Blizzard of Oz!

Erin : What do hurricanes fight in?
James : Whirl wars!

Hannah : Why did the confused gardener plant bird seed?
Harold :   She wanted to grow some hummingbirds!

Honor : How do hummingbirds know how to fly?
Henry : They just wing it!

Hilda : What bird can always identify the tune?
Hadley: The hummingbird!

Mary : What did the baby lightbulb say to its mother?
May : "I wuv you watts and watts!"

Melvin : Why is a rainy day hard for a mother kangroo?
Myrtle : Because her joey has to play inside!

Milton : What did baby Tarzan's mother read to him in the jungle?
Marvin : Safari tales!

Hallie : What do you call a group of flying rabbits?
Henry : The hare force!

Harold : What do you get if you cross a hippopotamus with a bunny?
Harriet : A hopopotamus!

Harry : How do rabbits fix their hair?
Hattie : With hare brushes!

Larry : What are marshmallows filed under at the library?
Leslie : The Dewey Gooey Decimal System!

Lisa : Why was the clock banned from the Library?
Lester : It tocked too much!

Leonard : What is the job of the Library Police?
Lena : To book people!

Catherine : Why was the cat so tiny?
Chris : It drank lots of condensed milk!

Corey : What is an accident-prone cat called?
Carrie : A catastrophe!

Cindy : What do cats read in the library?
Craig : Catalogs!

Harry : How was the blind carpenter suddenly able to see?
Hannah : He used his hammer and saw!

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