Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mini Jokes # 1

Hillary :  What has a head and drives, but doesn't think at all?
Haley :  A hammer!

Henry : Why did the singer strike the CD with a hammer?
Harriet : He really wanted a hit!

Esther : Which bird needs a toupee?
Elmer : A bald eagle!

Ed : What happens if you cross an eagle with a skunk?
Elle : You get an animal that stinks to high heaven!

Ethel : What did the mama eagle say to the baby eagle?
Elwyn : "You're a chirp off the old flock!"

Gregory : How is a garden like a good story?
Ginger : It has a plot!

Gary : You've been working a long time in your garden, Gwen.  What are you growing?
Gwen : Tired!

Gerald : What is the difference between a laundryman and a gardener?
Grant : One keeps the "lawn dry" and the other keeps the lawn wet!

Oliver : What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cat?
Otis : A creature with eight arms and nine lives!

Oprah : What is a surgeon with eight arms called?
Owen : A doctopus!

Opus : What sea animal can add?
Olivia : An octoplus!

Paul : How did the police know the parrot was telling the truth?
Pete : They gave it a polly-graph test!

Petra : What did the parrot say to the trolley car?
Patty : "Trolley want a cracker?"

Patton : What do you call it if you cross a parrot and a centipede?
Pam : A talkie-walkie!

Daryl : How do we know that dolphins are really smart?
Dennis : They are able to train humans to stand on the edge of their pool and throw them fish three times a day!

Donald : How do you know when a dolphin is ready for marriage?
Denise : He gets down on one fin to por-poise!

Darcy : What do dolphins like to watch on TV?
Debbie : "Whale of Fortune"!

Randy : Why did it take the monster three months to finish the book?
Rachel : It wasn't very hungry!

Ruth : Why was the book so cold?
Ray : It didn't have its jacket!

Ricky : What do you call a book written by a car?
Rory : An autobiography!

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