Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Seven Must-Do's of Christmas

By  Kevin Weick
       Council Rock South High School

Do watch 'A Christmas Story'
Starting on Christmas Eve, TBS plays the classic  holiday movie "A Christmas Story" nonstop.  Although a little outdated, this movie is a must-see for the entire family.  I remember watching this movie over and over again on countless Christmas Eves while not being able to sleep and awaiting Santa's arrival.  To this day, I watch the movie all night long, and over the years, I've grown so accustomed to it that I can even quote it.

Do drive around the neighborhood
This is the one time of year you shouldn't hesitate to take the long way home.  Driving up and down streets, admiring the lights and decorations, is one of my favorite Christmas pastimes.  Again, this is a tradition I still keep up with and look forward to year after year.

Do attend church services
Unfortunately, Santa Claus has taken over and it seems many people have forgotten the real importance of the Christmas season: celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  No matter how often you go (or don't go), attending services should be crucial.  Even if you haven't been there since Easter, make all possible effort to attend this year.

Do go out of your way for others
With all the last-minutepreparations and running around, it can be easy to forget about the merriment of the season.  As you're scrambling around the grocery store or still picking out presents, remember to go the extra mile for people.  Merely holding the door for someone, saying "please" and "thank you" or even just a smile can mean a lot to others.  This is the time when everyone should be full of holiday cheer, so don't be stingy when it comes to spending it.

Do indulge in your favorite holiday treats
During Christmas, it is nearly impossible to diet..... so just go for it!  If you want that extra delectable cookie your aunt makes or you can't resist another piece of cake, who cares?  You have all year to work off the extra calories and pounds you've gained.  As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's all right to indulge during the holidays.

Do make time for family
We all have relatives we don't like or we don't always get along with, but it's Christmas, so lighten up a bit.  Take some time to make memories with those you love and with those who Christmas wouldn't be the same without.  You never know what the New Year will bring and what next Christmas will be like, so enjoy it while it's here.

Do say 'Merry Christmas'
In the commercialized and politically correct world we live in today, it's frequent to hear simply "Happy Holidays."  But before you utter that jovial greeting to a friend or neighbor, don't think twice about using the expression "Merry Christmas."  Don't worry about offending anyone; it's being said in good spirits.

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