Saturday, December 24, 2011

Don't let the holiday magic die

By  Rachel Sieczkowski
       Central Bucks South High School

                 Everyone needs some magic during the stresses of the holiday season.
                 You have to find the perfect gifts, deal with family and, on top of it all, you have to go to school right up tothe holiday!  There's so much to fit into a single month that as we get older, we seem to let the magic and wonder that used to fill the holidays fade into a distant memory.
                 But why make the holidays something to suffer through instead of a time for love and happiness?
                 Do you remember staying up late, waiting to hear Santa up on the rooftop?  I do. I also remember begging my dad to put out the fire before I went to sleep, just so he wouldn't forget and Santa wouldn't burn his butt coming down my chimney.  Those littlle things made the holidays magical....
                 And then you start to realize that Santa Claus' wrapping paper and handwriting matches your parents.  That, sometimes, the cookies aren't touched, the milk not drunk.  You start noticing there are multiple Santas in the same place.
                 "Santa isn't real ----I'm Santa" are the words that my dad said.  It was like "Star Wars" and "Dark Vader telling Luke, "I'm your father."
                 I still refuse to let the magic die for anyone else.  My sister will believe in Santa for at least another year until she comes across the evidence on her own.  I refuse to let my parents tell her.
                 And I make Santa's handwriting different than anyone else's in my family.  We still sit down and write letters together each year, and the presents from "the workshop" are well hidden.
                 The holidays should always be magical, especially when you're young.  It's part of childhood, believing in the Man in Red.  Magic makes life wonderful.
                 So take a break from the real world and believe this holiday season.
                  Happy Holidays! 

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