Friday, December 6, 2013


                  All five correct answers have something in common.
                  Can you figure out what it is ?

1. What comic strip character has a hopeless crush on a never-seen "Little Red-Haired Girl"?

2. The Peristence of Memory is a painting by Salvador Dali featuring three melting what?

3. In Greek mythology, what Titan holds the sky up on his shoulders?

4. On TV's How I Met Your Mother, what color is the mother's storied umbrella?

5. In John Milton's famous epic poems, what gets "Lost" and then "Regained"?

Bonus : What's the "Kennection" between all five answers?

Answers :   1. Charlie Brown
                   2. Clocks
                   3. Atlas
                   4. Yellow
                   5. Paradise
                   Bonus : All are ColdPlay Songs

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