Monday, December 30, 2013

.......And One with a Hidden Meaning

                   "The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written to remind Catholics of basic tenets of the Faith during the time when the Catholic Church was outlawed in England.  (Reference to this has been found in letters from that time.)
                   Here's the hidden meaning.
                   Think about it the next time you sing this popular carol.
  1. Partridge in a Pear Tree ---- Jesus
  2. turtle doves  -------- Old and New Testaments
  3. French hens --------  The Trinity
  4. calling birds  --------  the 4 Gospels
  5. golden rings --------  the Pentatuch --- the first 5 books of the Old Testament which outline humanity's fall from grace.
  6. geese a-laying ------- 6 days of creation
  7. swans a-swimming -------- 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  8. maids a-milking -----------  8 Beatitudes
  9. ladies dancing -------------  9 choirs of angels
  10. lords leaping --------------  10 Commandments
  11. pipers piping --------------  11 faithful apostles
  12. drummers drumming ------   the 12 points of faith in the Apostles Creed

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