Saturday, April 9, 2011


Cathy: Why is chocolate always tardy?
Cassie: Because it is choco-late, not choco-early!

Chester: What kind of ice cream do monkeys eat?
Carly: Chocolate-chimp!

Carole: What drink did the electrician order?
Corey: A hot shockolate!

Cassie: What did the doctor say to the patient who swallowed a camera?
Charlie: 'Lets just see what develops!"

Chase: What is the best way to borrow a camera?
Cecelia: When someone "lens" it to you!

Corey: What do you get when you cross a mirror and a camera?
Caesar: A camera that takes pictures of itself!

Carla: What is a good way to cross a moat?
Charles: In a moater boat!

Chester: What did the king say to Sir Lancelot at the end of the evening?
Chris: "Good knight"!

Charlotte: How can you measure a castle?
Cindy: With a ruler!

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