Friday, April 8, 2011


Mary: Who composed music as he made popcorn?
Maurice: Orville Redenbach!

Melvin: What music does a convict like to dance to?
Millie: Rock 'n' parole!

Martin: What is a balloon's least favorite music?
Morris: Pop songs!

Mary: Why are calendars so popular?
Melvin: Because they have a date every day!

Monica: Why did the tired worker tear off part of the calendar?
Maurice: Because he wante to take a month off!

Melanie: Why do soldiers get so tired in the third month?
Millie: Because it's the month of March!

Brian: Why do bananas have to use suntan lotion?
Beth: Because bananas peel!

Bailey: Why did the policeman give the banana a speeding ticket?
Beverly: Because he was caught peeling out of the parking lot!

Bernard: What do you call two bananas?
Bill: A pair of slippers!

Chris: Why was George Washington always standing in official portraits?
Annie: Because he could never lie!

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