Sunday, January 8, 2017

Gee whiz, take my Christmas movie quiz

Christmas cheer doesn't always come to the party stag.  Sometimes, it arrives with a companion:
Christmas tears.
When the grateful citizens of Bedford Falls rush to George Bailey's rescue at the end of the holiday classic, "It's a Wonderful Life," guardian angel Clarence finally gets his wings, and I get the sniffles.
When Linus quotes from the second chapter of the Gospel according to Luke to explain to bemused Charlie Brown what Christmas is all about, the lump in my throat isn't from an oversized piece of bad fruit cake.
And that song, "The Christmas Shoes," is onions to the eyes.  You know the one : A young boy wants to buy his dying mother a new pair of shoes so she'll look presentable when she meets Jesus, but doesn't have enough money.  I suspect Kleenex owns the song's copyright.
You either don't tune in or load up on the tissues. Those are the easy answers.
As for easy answers in the annual and much anticipated Gianficaro Christmas Quiz, that depends on how intently or not you pay attention during the Christmas season.  For example, everyone knows childlike friends George and Mary reconnect at the high school graduation dance in the gymnasium.  But do you remember the name of the high school principal who greeted George there?
If you know it was Mr. Partridge, pluck a ripe one off the pear tree and celebrate.
So, here's the quiz.  There are only a few layups here, so bring your A-game, and Merry Christmas.

1. What's the title of the song often called "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"?
a) "A Christmas Song."
b) " The Christmas Song."
c) "Baby, It's Cold Outside."
d) "Santa's On His Way."
2. What's the name of the rabbit in the magic hat in the animated TV classic, "Frosty the Snowman"?
a) Hocus Pocus
b) Thumper
c) Snowball
d) Spirit
3. In "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," what was Rudolph's father's name?
a) Buck
b) Big Rudy
c) Vixen
d) Donner
4. In "It's a Wonderful Life," which book did guardian angel Clarence autograph for George Bailey?
a) "Friends are forever"
b) "Potter is a Poo"
c) "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
d) "Fifty Shades of Gray"
5. In which movie did the song, "White Christmas," initially play?
a) "White Christmas"
b) "Holiday Inn"
c) "High Society"
d) "The Bells of St. Mary's"
6. What does Dan Aykroyd hide in his Santa costume in "Trading Places"?
a) A photo of his long-lost father
b) Smoked salmon
c) $200,000 to give as gifts
d) John Belushi
7. What was the iconic leg lamp in "A Christmas Story"?
a) A right leg
b) A left leg
c) Neither right or left
d) A real leg
8. In "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation," which mail service delivers Clark Griswold's Christmas bonus?
a) FedEx
b) Chicago Carrier
c) U.S. Postal Service
d) Speed Ball
9. In "Home Alone" what holiday song was Kevin playing when he tried to make the robbers believe his parents were throwing a party?
a) "Holly Jolly Christmas"
b) "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
c) "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
d) "Little Saint Nick"
10. In "A Charlie Brown Christmas," Lucy believes a person can't be great unless they...........
a) Own real estate
b) Get their picture on a bubble gum card
c) Marry a Christmas queen
d) Become a psychiatrist
11. In "The Polar Express," what is "The First Gift of Christmas"?
a) Faith in your fellow man
b) The birth of Jesus
c) A golden locket
d) A bell from Santa's sleigh
12. What is old curmudgeon Mr. Potter's first name in "It's a Wonderful Life"?
a) Virgil
b) Edgar
c) Henry
d) Horace
13. What's the penquin's name in "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town"?
a) Sidney
b) Mario
c) Topper
d) Tuxedo

Answers : 1-b  ; 2-a  ; 3-d  ; 4-c  ; 5-b  ; 6-b  ; 7-a  ; 8-d  ; 9-b  ; 10-b  ; 11-d  ; 12-c  ; 13-c

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