Sunday, May 26, 2013

No sweeter sound than human laughter

                  When I think about the human laugh, I don't believe I can find anything in the world that is as strangely beautiful.
                  Some animals have a kind of "laugh."  Monkeys can smile and chant in a way that's similar to laughing, and hyenas can manage a silly screeching chuckle, but when you hear people laugh, it replaces all the bad in a day with good.  It's music that has no set rhythm or rhyme.
                  There are so many laughs.  Evil cartoon laughs, laughing sighs, silent laughs, crying laughs.  Even nervous laughs, which, in the moment, may represent an awkward situation rather than a happy one, are often linked to a humorous story in the future.
                  You don't realize how long someone's been unhappy until you hear them laugh.  To see someone who's been sulking with an unmoved face part their lips like the way the clouds part for sunshine, you can't help but smile and laugh along with them.  And when that happens, a whole world opens, not just for communication, but for life to begin again.
                  A person can't hide true laughter.  It's a part of who you are.  You shine through your laugh like a star shines through the atmosphere.  It's so bright and light and can make it seem as though everything else has been forgotten.
                  I watch the happiest person laughing, in the moment, seeing not the world as it is but what it has to offer and not asking about it.  Not questioning why things are, just being.
                  Laughter.  It is nothing but music of pure bliss.

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