Saturday, May 25, 2013

7 myths about Prom Season

                 How to keep your kids safe.

                 Prom season is a rite of passage for many high schoolers ----- a time of photos, laughter and camaraderie with friends and classmates.
                 For anyone under age 21, however, there are serious legal consequences when it comes to alcoholic beverages or illegal substances.
                 Here's the law, courtesy of Falls District Judge Jan Vislosky:
                 "A person under the age of 21 commits a summary offense if he/she attempts to, or actually purchases, consumes, possesses or knowingly transports liquor, malt or brewed beverages.  Penalties in Pennsylvania range from a fine between $25 to $300 plus court costs of about $125 and a 90-day driver's license suspension for a first offense, to a fine of between $25 and $500 plus court costs and up to a two-year license suspension for a third offense."
                 That's just the beginning for violators, however, according to Vislosky.  She offers the truth behind seven common myths among teens:

                 Myth 1: My record will disappear when I turn 18.
                                PennDot will keep records of your violations and suspensions, and they will be everywhere.  They will turn up when you are applying for a job or wherever you least expect they will.
                Myth 2:  I can hang out with my friends as long as I don't drink.
                               In Pennsylvania, "constructive possession" means if you are close enough to have control over something, you can be charged with possessing it ----- beer, drugs, any illegal substance.  If you are there, you can be charged.  It's up to the judge to decide your guilt.
                Myth 3:  Other than a fine and some suspension, my record won't hurt me.
                                Colleges check records of applicants and may reject them because they don't want students prone to getting into trouble, and may revoke scholarships as well.
                Myth 4:  No problem.  I'm not going to college.  I'm getting a job.
                                Employers check criminal histories for theft, drinking and drug violations.  They want employees who are on time and aren't hung over or a risk for theft to get money for drugs.  Many people apply for the same jobs; employers don't have to take risks.
                Myth 5:  I'm not drunk.  I can drive.
                               Too many people have said this and were arrested before they made it home.  Many are killed or injured each year ---- or worse, they killed someone else.  DUI laws are strict.  If you are charged with DUI and you are under 21, you will answer for both.  Worse is the knowledge that you may have killed an innocent person.
                Myth 6:  If I make a mistake, it's only one time.
                               This was true when your parents were young, but not now.  Kids need to be diligent all the time about dangers around them and situations that could get them in trouble.  One mistake could haunt you for a long time.
               Myth 7:  Nothing is going to happen to me.
                              Watch the news; read the newspaper.  Look at the memorials along the road and the broken heart DUI signs where people died.  Many of them said the same thing.

               Vislosky urges parents to discuss this with their kids.  She also warns anyone under 21 to not drink.  PERIOD.  It can affect family, friends, your driver's license and your future.

              Source: Kathy Kraeck, community mobilizer, Pennsbury LYFT, a program of the United Way of Bucks County,

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