Tuesday, August 30, 2011

POP QUIZ (President's Monumental Moments)

Sunday August 28th had planned a dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial, with President Obama presiding, has been postponed because of Hurricane Irene.  Still, in this quiz, see if you can match the monument with the president (for one vice president who later moved up) who attended its dedication.

1. District of Columbia World War Memorial
2. Ulysses S. Grant Memorial
3. Jefferson Memorial
4. Lincoln Memorial
5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
6. Theodore Roosevelt Island
7. U.S. Marines Corps War Memorial
8. Washington Monument
9. World War 2 Memorial

a) Chester A. Arthur
b) George W. Bush
c) Bill Clinton
d) Calvin Coolidge
e) Dwight D. Eisenhower
f) Warren G. Harding
g) Herbert Hoover
h) Lyndon B. Johnson
i) Franklin D. Roosevelt

Answers : 1. g  ; 2. d  ; 3. i  ; 4. f  ; 5. c  ; 6. h  ; 7. e  ; 8. a  ; 9. b

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