Tuesday, August 30, 2011


With classes starting soon, find out what kind of grade your family's wellness gets.

1. How many consecutive push-ups should 9-year-olds be able to do?
a) None; they don't have enough muscle yet
b) 1 to 10
c) 12 to 18
d) 25-plus
2. Which essential vitamin are 70 percent of kids not getting enough of?
a) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin B12
3. Which is the biggest source of calories in a youngster's diet?
a) Baked Desserts
b) Pizza
c) Soda/fruit drinks
4. What common medication has the FDA recently warned against giving to children under age 2?
a) Benzocaine
b) Ibuprofen
c) Acetaminophen
d) Hydrogen peroxide
5. Which of the following is an actual medical condition that kids can develop?
a) Guitar Hero Wrist (also called Guitarthritis)
b) iPod Finger
c) Nintendinitis
d) Cell Phone Elbow
e) All of the above
6. Your child's backpack should never exceed what percent of his weight?
a) 5 to 10 percent
b) 10 to 20 percent
c) 20 to 30 percent
7. To be alert and healthy, how many hours of sleep do teens need?
a) 6 to 8
b) 8 to 10
c) More than 12
8. True or False ?  Most parents are unable to assess whether their child is overweight.
9. Which of the following childhood diseases has been eradicated and no longer requires immunization?
a) Polio
b) Measles
c) Mumps
d) Whooping Cough
e) None of the above
10. What's the most common chronic childhood disease?
a) Tooth decay
b) Diabetes
c) Obesity
d) Asthma

Answers : 1. b  ; 2. c  ; 3. c  ; 4. a  ; 5. e  ; 6. b  ; 7. b  ; 8. True  ; 9. e  ; 10. a

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