Saturday, April 11, 2015

Presidential Facts : Who First Had A Phone ?

                                 Undoubtedly, President George Washington was one of the most prominent leaders in history.
                                 That's why when the 67-year-old president died of a throat infection on Dec. 14, 1799, his Feb. 22 birthday unofficially became a day of remembrance for the country he helped form.
                                 The observance of his birthday first became a holiday for federal employees in the District of Columbia in 1879.  By 1885, the entire country was observing the holiday, marking the first festive day dedicated to an individual.
                                 The Uniform Monday Holiday Act took effect in 1971, moving Washington's Birthday to the third Monday in February.  The act moved fixed date holidays to assigned Mondays.
                                 The shift to Presidents Day was started by a combination of factors.  There was a countrwide misconception that the holiday's date was changed to observe Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthday, which is Feb. 12.
                                 Additionally, businesses used the new day to advertise three-day weekend sales and began referring to it as Presidents Day.  And by the early 2000s individual states ----- including Pennsylvania ------ had changed the holiday;s name to Presidents Day, an initation that was suggested during the 1960s talks of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  The proposal failed at that time, according to 
                                "Presidents Day never falls on the actual birthday of any American president.  Four chief executives -------- Washington, William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan ------- were born in February, but their birthdays all come either too early or too late to coincide with Presidents Day, which is always celebrated on the third Monday of the month," reads the website.
                                In school, some students are required to memorize the names of the 44 presidencies but usually don't know too much more than civic and government lessons about them.  Students don't learn the quirky facts about their heads of state, such as that the 20th president, James Garfield, was the first left-handed commander-in-chief or that Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, was the first president to be born in a hospital, or that throughout the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president, alcohol was not served at any function
                             Here are some facts about the American presidents :

  • Four consecutive presidents (numbers 18 thriugh 21)fashioned beards ------ Ulysses S. Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Chester A. Arthur.  Grover Cleveland broke the run by sporting a mustache.  Another point about Cleveland:  he's the only president to have been elected to two non-consecutive terms.
  • Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, officially named the White House after taking office on Sept. 14, 1901.  Before then, the building was referred to as President's Palace, President's House and the Executive Mansion.
  • Presidents two, three and five ----- Founding Fathers John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe ------ died on July 4; Adams and Jefferson in the same year, 1826; Monroe, in 1831.
  • Harry S. Truman was a haberdasher, a men's clothing dealer, before becoming the 33rd president.
  • Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama have won Grammy Awards for Best Spoken Word Album.  Obama, the 44th president, has won it twice, in 2006 and 2008; Clinton, the 42nd president, won in 2005; Carter, the 39th pesident, in 2007.
  • Martin Van Buren and his supporters might have popularized the word "OK."  He was from Kinderhook, New York, so during his campaign to become the eight president, Old Kinderhook (OK) clubs were formed.
  • The ninth president, William Henry Harrison, studied medicine, the only commander-in-chief to do so.
  • The 11th president, James Polk, was the first commander-in-chief to have his photograph taken.
  • The first president to have a telephone and typewriter was Hayes.  The phone was connected in May 1879.  Then, a few months later, the typewriter was used in February 1880.
  • Warren G. Harding, the 29th president, was the first head of state who knew how to drive.
  • Garfield's mother, Eliza, was the first mother to witness her son's presidential inauguration in March 4, 1881.  Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served as the 32nd president from March 4, 1933, to April 12, 1945, was the first president whose mother was able to vote for him for president.  Women were granted the right to vote in 1920.
  • James Madison's wife, Dolley, saved the portrait of George Washington painted by Gilbert Stuart during the War of 1812 before the British torched the White House.
  • When Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881, by Charles Guiteau, an attorney and political office-seeker, a metal detector invented by Alexander Graham Bell was used to search for the bullet in his back.  It's believed the device failed because of the coils in the mattress. 

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