Saturday, January 31, 2015

What are First Fridays and First Saturdays?

                                  Maybe you didn't go to Catholic schools.
                                  Or maybe you are a recent convert.  There's something you've noticed, and it confuses you.  It's the "First Friday" and "First Saturday" notation you find in your parish bulletin's Mass schedule.  What's that all about?  Some hints and keywords: Popular devotions.  Apparitions.  Optional.  Worthwhile.

1. The First Fridays devotion is part of the devotion to the _____________of Jesus.
A) Holy wounds
B) Sacred Heart
C) Precious Blood
D) Divine Mercy
2. Jesus appeared to this saint, asking reparation for all the ingratitude and indifference shown to him by the majority of humanity.
A) St. Joan of Arc
B) St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
C) St. Catherine Laboure
D) St. Faustina Kowalska
3. Jesus asked that reparation for sins be made by receiving Communion on ________ first Fridays of the month in a row.
A) 10
B)  Five
C) Nine
D) Seven
4. Jesus told St. Margaret that those who make the nine first Friday Communions will receive which of the following graces?
A) They will die repenant for all their sins
B) They will not die without receiving the last sacraments
C) His Heart will be their refuge in their final moments
D) All of the above

                                Now For The First Saturdays
5) This devotion was explained and requested by:
A) Our Lady of Fatima
B) Our Lady of Lourdes
C) St. Catherine of Siena
D) St. Therese of Lisieux
6. The practice of the First Saturdays must be done __________ times in a row.
A) Seven
B) Nine
C) Five
D) 10
7. On the five First Saturdays you must receive which sacrament(s)?
A) Communion and confirmation
B) Just Communion
C) Just Confession
D) Communion and confession, although the confession may be made up to a week before or after the Communion.  (This is assuming, of course, that you are not in a state of mortal sin ----- in which case it must be made before receiving Communion.)
8. You must pray the Rosary on each of the five First Saturdays, and also do this one other thing:
A) Spend 15 minutes meditating on one or more of the mysteries of the Rosary.
B) Say a prayer of consecration to Our Lady of the Rosary
C) Light a candle in front of Our Lady's statue at church
D) Say the Memorare
9. Most important, all of these actions must be offered for this intention:
A) Conversion of sinners
B) Reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary
C) The intentions of the Holy Father                    

                                  Learn more about First Saturdays and the message of Fatima

Answers :  1. B  ; 2. B  ; 3. C  ; 4. D  ; 5. A  ; 6. C  ; 7. D  ; 8. A  ; 9. B


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