Sunday, June 15, 2014

How much do you know about Colorectal Cancer?

1. What is colorectal cancer?
A) Cancer of the large intestine, or colon
B) Cancer of the rectum
C) Cancer of the stomach
D) A and B
2. Which of the following is true regarding colorectal cancer deaths in the United States?
A) It's the leading cause of cancer deaths
B) It's the second leading cause of cancer deaths
C) It's the third leading cause of cancer deaths
D) It's the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths
3. What is the five-year survival rate for people with colorectal cancer who are diagnosed early, before the cancer spreads?
A) 90 percent
B) 75      "
C) 50      "
D) 25      "
4. Compared with people who don't have a relative with colorectal cancer, what is the increased risk for the disease among people with a parent, sibling, or child with colorectal cancer?
A) The same
B) Double to triple the risk
5. Which of the following are symptoms?
A) Bleeding from the anus
B) Unintended weight loss
C) Painful cramps in the lower abdomen
D) All the above
6. At what age should most people start to be screened?
A) 70
B) 60
C) 50
D) 40
7. Which of these tests can screen for colorectal cancer?
A) Fecal occult blood test
B) Colonoscopy
C) Sigmoidoscopy
D) All the above
8. Which of the following can lower your risk?
A) Eating more fruits and vegetables, and less red meat
B) Exercising regularly
C) Maintaining a healthy weight
D) All the above

Answers :    1. (D) Cancer of the large intestine, or colon, and rectum
                     2. (B) It's the second leading cause
                     3. (A) 90 percent.  When the cancer has spread to surrounding tissue, the five-year survival   rate is 12 percent
                     4. (B) Double to triple the risk
                     5. (D) All the above.  Other symptoms include chronic diarrhea or constipation, weakness, and fatigue
                     6. (C) 50
                     7. (D) All the above.  Other tests are also available
                     8. (D) All the above.  Consuming recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D and not drinking alcohol to excess can also help reduce your risk

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