Thursday, July 18, 2013

Life is Fragile, so enjoy it fully

                  Life.   Most of us take it for granted until we are rocked by unexpected bad news.  It could be news about yourself or about a loved one, a friend or someone whom you idolize.
                 It's then, and I believe only then, that you realize the fragility of life.  Your thoughts run deep to a point that you may feel selfish.  All the things that one complains about in normal day is so ludicrous the line at the grocery store is too long, damn traffic, bills, your boss.
                Want, want, want, but never really understanding what you have ------- your health.  Health is priceless.  Without it, you might realize what nonsense all this other stuff is.
                Listen, never take for granted what is so precious to us or our health.  Visit a children's hospital one day and you will realize a lot about our own selfishness.  I'm learning more each day just how lucky I am to have a beautiful, healthy daughter to enjoy each day that brings you a gift :  waking up healthy and enjoying every moment for what it is.
               Smile when the guy driving by cuts you off and flips you the bird ;  promise it will make you feel better.  Enjoy the day whether it's sunny or stormy :  It's still your day.  Yeah, I know it's a bummer when you get rained on at the beach, but there are always things much worse in the grand scheme.
               I guess my simple message is live each day to the fullest because whoever came up with the expression "Life is short"  sure the hell knew what he or she was talking about.
               Health is priceless.

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