Friday, April 19, 2013

POP Quiz (Don't be an April Fool)

For successful scammers and thieves, every day is April Fool's Day. 
How prepared are you to avoid common crimes of the season?
Take this quiz to find out.

1. Home burglaries increase as the weather warms.  Where is the safest place to hide valuables?
a) The laundry room
b) The bathrom
c) The bedroom
2. A contractor offers a big discount on a home repair.  Which tip-off suggests his work will likely be a rip-off?
a) His truck has no company name on it or bears an out-of-state license plate.
b) He wants payment upfront to buy materials.
c) He offers to help finance the project.
d) All of the above.
3. If your wallet is lost or stolen, should you report it to the police?
a) No. The police are unlikely to have time to investigate.
b) Yes. Sending copies of the report to card issuers and credit bureaus can help clear up any resulting ID theft.
4. You get an email from a well-known company, asking you to click on a link to get information.  How can you tell it's a scam?
a) You're a customer but you never provided your email address to the company.
b) The message begins with "Dear  Member" or "Valued Customer" ----- even though the company has your name and email address.
c) You hover your cursor over the link to see the full URL, and the company's Internet address is missing, is incomplete or ends with letters such as ".us" or ".exe."
d) All of the above.
5. Your grandchild calls, saying he was arrested while on vacation and needs money.  What next?
a) Head to Western Union as instructed.
b) Hang up and immediately call his cellphone or parents to check his whereabouts and safety.
c) Give your credit card number to the cop he puts on the line.
6. You receive a $3,500 check, which you're told is partial payment for winning a lottery.  You're instructed to deposit the check and forward a certain amount to pay for taxes.  What tells you the check is authentic?
a) All edges on the check are smooth and bottom numbers are shiny.
b) Your bank accepts it for deposit.
c) The deposit immediately shows as credited to your account.
d) None of the above.  These checks are always a scam.

Results: 1-2 correct: Learn to foolproof yourself against fraud.
               3-4 correct: You need new anti-scam radar.
               5-6 correct: You're nobody's fool, in April or any other month.

Answers : 1. (a) : Laundry rooms are the last place most theives will check, says former cat burglar Bill Mason.
                 2. (d) :Reputable contactors rarely travel far for work or offer to finance a project.  For small repairs, no advance payment is necessary.
                 3. (b) : Also send copies to issuers of other missing cards, such as your driver's license, Medicare or health insurance cards, etc.
                 4. (d) : The same answer applies to unsolicited emails supposedly from a government agency, which will use U.S. mail for official correspondence.
                 5. (b) : Don't be fooled.  It's likely not your grandchild.  Scammers can easily learn family names and other details that make a con convincing.
                 6. (d) : You never have to pay upfront ---- taxes or otherwise ---- to claim a prize.  Be aware that you are responsible for any money you withdraw from your bank.

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