Saturday, November 24, 2012

POP QUIZ (Thanksgiving artistry)

With the big holiday that was Thursday Nov. 22nd.
Match the Thanksgiving -- or Thanksgiving-themed --- story or poem with its author, the song with its singer, or the film or television program with its director.

1. "Alice's Restrauant."                           a) Woody Allen
2. A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving               b) Truman Capote
3. "The Courtship of Miles Standish."         c) Jodie Foster
4. Hannah and Her Sisters                       d) Arlo Guithrie
5. Home for the Holidays.                        e) John Hughes
6. "It's Thanksgiving."                             f) Henry Wadsworth
7. "My Triumph."                                       Longfellow
8. Planes, Trains & Automobiles                g) Bill Melendez
9. "Thanksgiving Song."                          h) Adam Sandler
10. "The Thanksgiving Visitor."                  i) Nicole Westbrook
                                                          j) John Greenleaf Whittier

Answers : 1. d  ; 2. g  ; 3. f  ; 4. a  ; 5. c  ; 6. i  ; 7. j  ; 8. e  ; 9. h  ; 10. b

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