Saturday, July 23, 2011

POP QUIZ (The first of many major Civil War battles)

For those keeping track of events related to the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, Thursday marks the date of the First Battle of Bull Run. 
Test your knowledge of the first major engagement of the conflict.
1. Name the commander of the Union forces.
a) George B. McClellan
b) Ulysses S. Grant
c) Irvin McDowell
d) George Meade
2. Who were the principal Confederate commanders?
a) Robert E. Lee and Joseph E. Johnston
b) Joseph E. Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard
c) P.G.T. Beauregard and Thomas J. Jackson
d) Thomas J. Jackson and Braxton Bragg
3. The Union forces were hoping to seize this target.
a) Virgina              b) Tennessee
c) Alabama            d) Maryland
4. The Union forces were hoping to seize this target.
a) A Confederate armory
b) Robert E. Lee
c) President Jefferson Davis
d) A railroad Junction
5. Which of these sites did not play a part in the battle?
a) Henry Hill                  b) Culp's Hill
c) Stone Bridge              d) Sudley Springs Ford
6. This general earned his nom de guerre at Bull Run.
a) Richard "Ramrod" Page
b) Clement "Rock" Stevens
c) Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
d) Elisha "Bull" Paxton
7. The Union named the battle Bull Run after a nearby creek.  The South referred to it by this name.
a) Manassas                 b) Shiloh
c) Antietam                  d) Cold Harbor
8. When did the Second Battle of Bull Run take place?
a) July 1863
b) December 1861
c) April 1864
d) August 1862
9. After the defeated Union forces retreated to Washington, their commander was replaced by this general.
a) Ulysses S. Grant
b) John Pope
c) George B. McClellan
d) Joseph Hooker
10. When veterans of Bull Run celebrated the Manassas National Jubilee of Peace in 1911, what president delivered the keynote address?
a) Woodrow Wilson
b) William Howard Taft
c) Theodore Roosevelt
d) William McKinley

Answers : 1. c  ; 2. b  ; 3. a  ; 4. d  ; 5. b  ; 6. c  ; 7. a  ; 8. d  ; 9. c  ; 10. b

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