Saturday, February 12, 2011


                                  We reveal the things we hate the most about the opposite sex.  Warning:  At least a few of these traits probably describes you.

                                  Can't live with them, can't live without them.
                                  Girls say it about guys. Guys say it about girls.  And anyone who has ever been in a teen relationship can concur how true this statement is.
                                  With Valentine's Day just around the corner, couples get the chance to show how much they love one another through gifts, dinner, a movie or maybe a combination of all three.  It's a time for them to have a romantic day to themselves without a care.  It's a day for them to rememberwhat they love about each other.....and maybe what they don't.
                                   Whether you're in a relationship or single, it's nearly impossible to find someone of the opposite sex without at least one irritating trait.
                                   Girls expect the romanticized Prince Charming they've always dreamed of, complete with a snow-white steed and all.
                                   Guys want.......well, the obvious.
                                   Regardless, for both sides, the idealized dreams cannot possibly come true.  And for this reasoning, we teens tend to focus on the negatives of the opposite sex, whether it be their chattiness, wardrobe or lack of manners.
                                   For those of you in a relationship, these quirks are the onesthat agitate you to no end.  For you single teenagers, the traits are a happy reminder that you aren't constrained to a dreadful relationship.
                                   Regardless, without futher ado, here are the honest, blunt truths about what guys hate about girls and vice-versa.

Guys gripes about girls
  • Asking us about other girls  - Whenever you ask us if another girl is attractive, it's pretty much always a lose-lose situation.  If we say no, you tell us we're lying.  If we say yes, you smack us across the face.  If we don't answer, you assume the worst.  Just please, leave the topic of other girls alone.
  • Talking too much   - Seriously, shut up!  It's not that we don't want to have a conversation with you; we just don't want to hear you ramble on about things we're not interested in.  So, no, we don't want to hear about a new pair of boots you got, or someone's scandalous post on Facebook, or the hot European singer you just listened to.  We really don't care.
  • Jealousy  - There is no need for you to constanly compare yourself to other girls or get mad when we're holding a conversation with one of our friends who just happens to be female.  If we're in a relationship with you, then there are clearly multiple reasons why we are with you and not that other person.
  • Low self-esteem  - Those pants really don't make you look that fat.  Stop trying to get us to feed you compliments.  You lookabsolutely beautiful, OK?  And in case you didn't catch on, we don't really mean that when we say it.   We just want you to be quiet.
  • Gossip  - If you are going to rant so harssssshly to us or a girlfriend about a seemingly minor altercation with someone, shouldn't we have concern about us behind our backs?  We don't want to be harassed in the locker room for getting teary-eyed during "The Notebook" because of a story you spread.  Our relationship doesn't need to be local news.
  • Control  - You are not our mothers.  We don't enjoy being told when we can and cannot hang out with our friends.  We don't need a schedule of when to call you.  And we certainly don't appreciate your snooty comments about our appearance.  Calm down and stop parading around like a female Hilter.
  • Lack of trust  - OK, we understand that guys don't have the finest reputations, but intruding on every detail of our lives such as searching through our phones or reading our e-mails is beyond stalk-er-ish.  A relationship is built on trust and if you constantly feel like we are being promiscuous or engaging in certain activities deemed dishonest.....well, then the relationship shouldn't exist in the first place.
  • Expecting us to be mind readers  - Don't freak out at us when we want to talk to you and you just aren't in the mood.  Don't assume either that we know what you are feeling, thinking, etc.  If you are aggravated, tell us.  Don't just stand there with an irritated look across your face telling us "you know."  Believe me, we don't know.  If you didn't realize it, we don't live inside your head.
  • Talking about ex-boyfriends  - On one hand, it's good to know that you remain friends with your past boyfriends, just in case something were to happen between us.  However, unless our ego is through the roof, which in most cases it isn't, we perceive this as a threat.  Who knows?  Maybe he might win you over again.  So, do us all a favor and leave your past boyfriends where they belong: in the past.
Girls' gripes about guys
  • Dishonesty  - We don't care if you're hanging out with your "bros" on Saturday night.  But when all you say is, "I have plans," and act all evasive about it, it getsus annoyed and on edge about what you might be doing.  Just be honest with us --- and we'll be honest with you.
  • Terrible texter   - We're not saying you should  text us 24/7.  All we want is some proper texting etiquette!  I mean, come on.  When we say, "Hey!  How are you?,"  we're not loking for a one-word answer, such as "good,"  "cool,"  "lol"  or  "yeah." We will not respond.  Have a conversation with us, and stop texting without emotion.  (Texting back quickly would be nice, too.)
  • You're a slob  - Underwear isn't for showing off, so pull up your pants and put your boxers away.  Take the cigarette out of your mouth and put down that red plastic cup.  You're disgusting!  Smoking is definitely not cool and drinking makes you even less attractive and less trustworthy.  Which brings us to our next pet peeve about males...
  • Chivalry is not dead  - There's no easy way of saying this.  But this a big one, so we'll just come out and say it.  Guys: BE GENTLEMEN.  Open the door for us, pull out our chair before we sit down, offer your jacket if we're cold, carry things for us, stand up for us, introduce us to your friends, and other things of that nature.  Chivalry isn't old-fashioned!
  • Put the controller down  - When we said we wanted to hang out with youthis weekend, we didn't mean we wanted to watch you play COD and "Halo Reach" all night.  Just put the controller down and walkaway from the Xbox.  You never pay attention to us when you're playing... especially when you're wearing that ridiculous-looking headset.  We're not saying you're not allowed to play, but don't play around us.
  • Sexist jokes aren't funny and neither are you  - Not only are they disrespectful, but sexist "get in the kitchen" jokes are only funny for (some) guys.  So if you're surrounded by a group of females, you'll look like a moron.  Cheesy pickup lines don't impress us, either.
  • You never talk back  - We've done enough talking about our feelings, and we think it's time for you to share yours.  Don't be too shy to tell us how your day really went.  Tell us how you feel if we've done something wrong.  We may seem like we want to run our mouths all the time, but we really don't.  We want to hear what you have to say, too.
  • Stop thinking we're inferior   - We aren't helpless baby animals.  Women are actually capable of accomplishing tasks with ease, believe it or not.  So there'sno need to get all macho and pretend like you're the only gender who can do something-----because you're not.
  • Grow up!  - You're so immature!  Haven't we outgrown the "That's what she said" jokes?  Cursing isn't funny anymore, either.  Stop acting like you're still in middle school and act like the mature high-schooler that you are.  zit's time to grow up a bit.

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