Friday, January 14, 2011


                    For those of you who read a horoscope every day, you may want to recheck what your Zodiac sign is.
                   According to astronomers with the Minnesota Planetarium Society, the moon's gravitational pull on the Earth has caused the alignment of the stars to be pushed by about a month.
                   Because of this, the Zodiac a birthdate may have been corresponded to before, may have changed.
                   So how does this affect your Zodiac sign ?  Here is where they should now fall, according to the society:
             New  Zodiac                                     Former  Zodiac
Capricorn:Jan. 20  -- Feb. 16            Capricorn:Dec. 22 --  Jan.19
Aquarius:  Feb. 16 -- March 11         Aquarius:  Jan.20  --  Feb. 19
Pisces:     March 11 -- April 18         Pisces :     Feb. 20 -- March 20
Aries:        April 18  -- May 13          Aries :     March 21-- April 19
Taurus :    May 13  -- June 21            Taurus :   April 20 --May 20
Gemini:     June 21  --  July 20           Gemini :   May 21 -- June 20
Cancer:     July 20  --  Aug. 10           Cancer :   June 21 -- July 22
Leo :         Aug. 10  -- Sept. 16           Leo :       July 23 -- Aug. 22
Virgo:       Sept. 16  -- Oct. 30            Virgo :    Aug. 23 -- Sept. 22
Libra:       Oct. 30  -- Nov. 23             Libra :    Sept. 23 -- Oct. 23
Scorpio:    Nov. 23 - 29                      Scorpio :  Oct. 23 -- Nov. 22
Ophiuchus:  Nov. 29 -- Dec. 17      * Ophiuchus is tecnically the 13th
Sagittarius: Dec.17 -- Jan.20          but was cut so there would be
                                                        12 equal divisions of the sky.
                                                      Sagittarius : Nov. 23--Dec. 21
                For those born between Nov. 29 to Dec. 17, note that your Zodiac sign is Ophiuchus.
               Ophiuchus, or the snake holder, was ejected from the charts when the Zodiac was codified at the 12 we know of  today, to align it more accurately with the calendar, according to Parke Kunkle, a board member of the society, told the Minnesota Star Tribune.
                But with the realignment of the stars, those who would have been Sagittarius and Capricorns, could now be a Ophiuchus.  According to the Skywatcher's Pronunciation Guide website, Ophiuchus is pronounced : Off -ee-Yoo-kuss. 

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