Saturday, April 9, 2011


Jack: What was Abraham Lincolon's nickname when he was an infant?
Mike: Babe Lincolon!

Maggie: If George Washington and Abraham Lincolon were alive today, what would be the most            amazing fact about them?
Riley: Their age!

Charlie: How do you catch a chimpanzee?
Charlotte: Hang upside down and make a noise like a banana!

Chase: What kind of ice cream do great apes eat?
Camille: Chocolate chimp!

Charlize: What flower do chimps plant in their gardens?
Chester: Pansies!

Charles: What cheese can't stop talking?
Cybil: "Chatter" cheese!

Cyd: What do you get when you mix a dog and breakfast?
Charlize: A beagle and cream cheese!

Cosmo: What kind of cheese is found in a haunted house?
Carmel: Muenster cheese!

Alice: What do you get if you cross an alligator with a pickle?
Alvin: A crocodill!

Angus: I'd like to get a pair of alligator shoes.
Arlo: Fine --- what size does your alligator wear?

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