Wednesday, April 6, 2011


BY  Linda Cobb

Getting thin, black ring out of your toilet
Question : Please tell me how to get a thin, black ring out of the toilet bowl.  I have tried Tilex, cleanser, and a scrubber and have gotten no results. ?
Answer: Indoor plumbing is great, but the downside is you have to clean the toilet every once in a while.  To get that black ring out, try this method:  Put some white vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray the inside of the bowl heavily.  Then sprinkle with 20 Mule Team Borax (available in the laundry aisle of the supermarket.)  Let soak for about 30 minutes, and then scrub with a piece of fine drywall sandpaper.  Look for it at your local hardware store; it looks like a window screen.  If you have an old stain, you might have to repeat this several times.
              While we're on the topic of toilets, why not keep yours clean the easy way with Tang breakfast drink?  Put several tablespoons in the toilet before you leave for work or at bedtime.  Let soak, use the toilet brush to swish around under the rim, and flush.  Your dog will love you for it!

Imitation Marble Tub
Question: I have one of those imitation marble tubs.  When we moved into this house, I placed a terra cotta planter on the surface.  When I moved it to clean a few weeks later, there was a stain on the surface.  I have used many cleaners, but nothing seems to work.  Do you have any suggestions for me?
Answer: To remove stains from cultured marble, try hydrogen peroxide mixed with cream of tartar or white, nongel toothpaste rubbed in with a soft cloth and rinsed off.  You could also try rubbing out the stain with either baking powder or 20 Mule Team Borax on a damp sponge or cloth.  Once you remove the stain, keep that tub shiny as new with a solution of 1/3 cup liquid fabric softner to 2/3 cup water.  Clean thoroughly, and polish with a soft cloth.

Question: I know there are numerous products to repel mosquitoes, even down to certain Vitamins to take, and I've tried them all!  Is there any type of remedy that will get rid of these pests?
Answer: Growing up, I was plagued by mosquitoes.  My mother used to say it was because I was so sweet.  Scientists have found that there might be something to that theory after all.  Some of us are thinner-skinned than others, making a tastier and easier target for these pesky little bugs.  Short of wearing overalls and long-sleeved shirts all summer, there are a couple of things you can try.  Before you step outdoors, slather on Skin-So-Soft lotion or spray (made by Avon).  Keep a tube or spray bottle in your car and your purse.  Mosquitoes hate the smell ----- but everyone around you will love it, and your skin will stay nice and soft, too.  You can also tuck a dryer fabric softener sheet into your belt loops, or try wiping your arms with undiluted white vinegar ----- the bugs will hate the way you taste.  When you're outdoors entertaining or cooking, try lighting citronella candles (available at hardware stores).  They cast a nice, romantic light and emit odors that repel mosquitoes.  Hope this helps. 

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