Saturday, September 18, 2021

Little Johnny Jokes

 1)  Little Johnny is in the cafeteria and he comes up to a large bowl of apples and there is a sign in front of the bowl which reads " only take 1 apple cause God is watching" then Little Johnny walks up to another large bowl of cookies  and no sign in front of the bowl so Little Johnny made up a sign and placed it in front of the bowl which reads "take as many cookies as you want cause God is watching the apples".

2) Gramma took Little Johnny to church and during church service Little Johnny says to Gramma "I have to pee" and Gramma said to Little Johnny "It is not nice to say pee in church what you say is whisper" and Little Johnny says is "ok".  Next week Grandpa takes Little Johnny to church and during church service Little Johnny says to Grandpa "I have to whisper" and Grandpa says to Little Johnny "ok whisper in my ear".

3) The teacher asks Sara " what do we get from chickens ?" and Sara replies "eggs" and the teacher says "very good" then the teacher asks Thomas "what do we  get from p ?" and Thomas replies "bacon" and the teacher asks Little Johnny "what do we get from big fat cows ?" and Little Johnny replies "well teacher i think we get home work".

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