Sunday, May 31, 2015

Blockbuster Brain Teasers

1. Director Steven Spielberg originally wanted which of these leading men for the role of police chief Brody in Jaws?
A) Gregory Peck
B) Charlton Heston
C) Paul Newman

2. Media personality Larry King made his movie debut in which 1980s blockbuster comedy?
A) Ghostbusters
B) Stripes
C) Airplane

3. Sounds from a dog, penguin, tiger, elephant and alligator were combined to create a roar for this blockbuster.
A) Alien
B) Jurassic Park
C) King Kong

4. Bruce Wills was offered the opportunity to co-star alongside his then-wife in this double-Oscar-winning 1990s hit, but turned it down.
A) Pretty Woman
B) Ghost
C) Batman Returns

5. The top-grossing G-rated summer movie of all time is this animated blockbuster.
A) Cars
B) The Lion King
C) Toy Story 3

Answers :  1. (B) Charles Heston
                   2. (A) Ghostbusters
                   3. (B) Jurassic Park
                   4. (B) Ghost
                   5. (B) The Lion King

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