Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not - So - Trivial Pursuit

As Earth Day reminds us, keeping our planet green and thriving is serious business.  Here's a quiz to test your everyday environmental know-how.

1. What has been called "the eight-track tape of the lighting world"?
     a) the LED bulb
     b) the compact fluorescent bulb
     c) the Beatles "Good Day, Sunshine"
     d) the incandescent bulb
2. What wastes the most energy in the average home?
     a) cork flooring
     b) aging hot-water tank
     c) loose or cracked window and door frames
     d) asbestos ceiling tiles
3. Which of the following belongs in an edible landscape?
     a) azalea
     b) nasturtium
     c) daffodil
     d) rhubarb leaf
4. Which of these building products is sustainable?
     a) sawdust/wood/plastic-blend lumber
     b) silicone caulk
     c) redwood boards
     d) vinyl siding
5. What is one of the things an energy consultant looks for when doing a home energy audit?
     a) tax returns
     b) valuable eight-track tapes
     c) condensation
     d) bank records
6. Which of these is not part of HVAC maintenance?
     a) insulating air ducts
     b) keeping filters and condensers clean
     c) having the system checked regularly by a professional
     d) using undiluted vinegar in a spray bottle
7. What is an environmentally friendly alternative to a grass lawn?
     a) concrete painted green
     b) small wildflower meadow
     c) in-ground swimming pool
     d) large garden shed
8. Which of these is the greenest interior-decorating choice?
     a) Chinese silk drapes
     b) Italian marble floor tiles
     c) antique chair, reupholstered
     d) hand-painted landscape mural
9. What is a green roof?
     a) asphalt shingles painted green
     b) weathered copper
     c) Tuscan-style plastic tiles
     d) impermeable membrane containing soil and plants
10. How can you get water to soak into the driveway?
     a) drill holes in it at regular intervals
     b) install pervious asphalt surface
     c) do not repair cracks
     d) save little packages of dessicant from shoe boxes, have contractor add to paving mixture
11. What is the best way to get rid of an old, inefficent appliance?
     a) give it to your sister
     b) place it at the curb and hope someone scavenges it for metal
     c) take it to the landfill
     d) call PECO's appliance-recycling service at 888-573-2672 or PPL at 877-270-3522
12. What's a good way to recycle newspaper?
     a) shred and add to your compost pile
     b) layer it in a garden bed to prevent weeds
     c) use it for papier-mache crafts
     d) roll it tightly and use for fireplace tinder

Answers :  1. d  ; 2. c  ; 3. b  ; 4. a  ; 5. c  ; 6. d  ; 7. b  ; 8. c  ; 9. d  ; 10. b  ; 11. d  ; 12. all four

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