Friday, November 19, 2010


With food products available from all over the world, it might be important to keep a watchful eye on what you are buying......especially if what you are buying is not home grown here in America.  Many products and their packaging don't reflect where they are made, but rather they indicate where the distributor is located.  It's important to read the bar code to track the product's origin.

In fact there are some countries that deliberately do not say they are the source of a product because they know consumer preference would be otherwise.  However a bar code is the sure tell sign of the origin of anything and everything you put in your food basket.

If the first three (3) digits of the bar code are:
               690-692...................the product is made in China
               00-09.......................the product is made in the USA and Canada
               30-37.......................the product is made in France
               40-44.......................the product is made in Germany
               47.............................the product is made in Taiwan
               49.............................the product is made in Japan
               50.............................the product is made in the UK

Just refer to these numbers when examining your packages and you can be certain of what you are buying.

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