Saturday, October 29, 2016

How well do you know the Dream?

Fifty-Three years ago, on Aug. 28, 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  gave one of the most iconic speeches in American history at the March on Washington.
King's masterly speech drew on America's founding documents ----- the Constitution and Declaration of Independence ------- which, according to King, promised " the riches of freedom and the security of justice" to all Americans. 
The quiz below provides an opportunity to test your knowledge of the march, King's "I Have a Dream" speech, and the civil rights movement.

1. What sentence was not in King's final written draft of the "I Have a Dream" speech?
A) "We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence."
B) "I have a dream"
C) "The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation"
D) "This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off"
2. In his speech, King said civil rights activists had come to Washington to do what?
A) Cash a check
B) Demand equal pay
C) Criticize the Kennedy administration
D) Disobey unjust laws
3. The first black civil rights activist to propose a march on Washington was:
A) W.E.B. DuBois
B) A. Philip Randolph
C) Frederick Douglass
D) Martin Luther King Jr.
4. The year 1963 marked the centennial of what historic event?
A) The end of the Civil War
B) The passage of the 13th Amendment
C) Union victory at the Battle of Antietam
D) The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation
5. King hoped his speech would be received in the same way as:
A) The Declaration of Independence
B) Frederick Douglass' speech "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"
C) The Gettysburg Address
D) Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
6. Civil rights activists organized the March on Washington to:
A) Mourn the loss of civil rights organizer Medgar Evers
B) Demand greater employment oppoutunities and racial justice
C) Show their support for the Civil Rights Act, then stalled in Congress
D) Engage in massive demonstrations of civil disobedience
7. After Reconstruction, when were federal troops called to the South for the first time to enforce civil rights?
A) The integration of Little Rock's Central High School in 1957
B) To intervene in Birmingham, Ala., during the May 1963 Children's Crusade
C) To protect CORE Freedom Riders in 1961
D) To protect those participating in lunch-counter sit-ins, which began in Greensboro, N.C., in 1960 Little Rock integration
8. Which civil rights activist argued that sit-in protests were "bigger than a hamburger"?
A) John Lewis
B) Ella Baker
C) Stokely Carmichael
D) Fannie Lou Hamer
9. Who is known as the sacrificial lamb of the civil rights movement?
A) Malcolm X
B) Medgar Evers
C) Martin Luther King Jr.
D) Emmett Till
10. What was not a part of the "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kan." decision?
A) The "separate but equal" doctrine adopted in Plessy v. Ferguson has no place in the field of public education.
B) Segregation of children in public schools on the basis of race deprives children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities
C) Desegregation will commence with all deliberate speed
D) Segregation in schools is a denial of the Constitution's equal of the protection guarantee

Answers : 1-B  ; 2-A   ; 3-B  ; 4-D  ; 5-C  ; 6-C  ; 7-A  ; 8-B  ; 9-D  ; 10-C

Math Problem

Replace each dot * with either 1, 4, 5, 6, or 9 to make the problem add up correctly.

Each number may be used only once.

                            * 3 * 7
                         + 6 * 3 *
                             7 7 9 *

Answer :  1357 + 6439  = 7796

It's Funny.........

The confused young man couldn't decide whether to marry Kathryn or Edith.   Try as he might, he just could not make up his mind.   Unwilling to give up either, he strung them along for far too long.   This indecision continued until both young women got tired of the situation and left him for good.

Moral of the story :
You can't have your Kate and Edith, too.

A quiz on the explorers club

Columbus Day commemorates Christopher Columbus' arrival in the "New World" on Oct. 12.  It is one of 10 federal holidays and is observed on the second Monday of October (Oct. 10 this year).  The first observance is said to have occurred in 1972, and it became a legal holiday 100 years later.
The quiz below provides an opportunity to test your knowledge of Columbus and other explorers who ventured into the unknown and changed the course of history.

1. When Columbus died in 1506, he still believed that his 1492 voyage had led him from the "Old World" to what other part of the world?
A) Africa
B) America
C) Asia
D) Austrialia
2. What country sponsored Columbus original voyage?
A) Italy
B) Spain
C) England
D) Portugal
3. Columbus left a contingent of men to build a settlement in what current-day country?
A) Haiti
B) Bahamas
C) Cuba
D) Jamaica
4. How many times did Columbus return to the Americas after his initial voyage?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
5. What present-day country did Columbus not explore on his voyages?
A) United States
B) Mexico
C) Honduras
D) Venezuela
6. In Columbus' journal, he writes that the goal of his voyage was to:
A) Convert people to Catholicism
B) Find a quicker trade route
C) Discover gold
D) Expand Spain's territory
7. In his first letter to the king and queen after his return to Europe, what did he note that the native people lacked?
A) Gold
B) Ships
C) Religion
D) Weapons
8. Which of the following was not an early explorer of the Americas?
A) John Cabot
B) Ferdinand Magellan
C) Vasco da Gama
D) Hernan Cortes
9) Which explorer discovered present-day Florida?
A) Francisco Pizarro
B) Jaun Ponce de Leon
C) Marco Polo
D) John Cabot
10. Who was the first known explorer of the Chesapeake Bay?
A) James Cook
B) Francis Drake
C) Hernando de Soto
D) John Smith

Answers : 1-C  ; 2-B  ; 3-A  ; 4-C  ; 5-A  ; 6-A  ; 7-D  ; 8-C  ; 9-B  ; 10-D