Friday, June 4, 2010


      It's  also  a  month  that  recognizes  all  these  other occasions.

                    Which  one  do  you  like ?
  • Date Your Mate Month
  • Foster Care Month
  • National Barbecue Month
  • National Bike Month
  • National Blood Pressure Month
  • National Hamburger Month
  • National Photograph Month
  • National Recommitment Month
  • National Salad Month
  • Older Americans Month


  • On April 26, 1986, the world's worst nuclear accident occurred at the  Chernobyl plant in the Soviet Union.
  • On April27, 1865, the steamer Sultana exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tenn., killing more than 1,400 people, mostly freed Union prisoners of war.
  • On April 28, 1967, heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali refused to be inducted into the Army, the same day General William C. Westmoreland told Congress the U.S. "would prevail in Vietnam".
  • On April 29, 1992, deadly rioting erupted in Los Angeles after a jury in acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of almost all state charges in the videotaped beating Rodney King.
  • On April 30, 1970, President Richard M. Nixon announced the U.S. was sending troops into Cambodia, an action that sparked wisespread protest.

F. Y. I.

By  Michelle Pfeiffer, actress
"Just standing around looking beautiful is so boring."

State Stats
Oklahoma has more man-made lakes than any other state, with more than 1 million surface areas of water.

No Kidding
You transfer more germs shaking hands than kissing.

Far Aim
The archer fish can spit water up to 7 feet to shoot down bugs from overhanging leaves.

Body Wise
The indentation in the middle of the area between the nose and the upper lip is called the philtrum.

Raining Money
In 1940, silver coins fell from the skies onto the town of Gorky, Russia.  A tornado had lifted up an old money chest and dropped the coins it contained as the wind carried it long.

F. Y. I.

By  David Whyte, English Poet
"Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you."

State Stats
Havre de Grace, Md., is known as the decoy capital of the world.

No Kidding
A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.

Back Then
Ancient Greeks and Romans believed asparagus had medicinal qualities for helping prevent bee stings and relieve toothaches.

So Called
A group of jellyfish is called a smack.

Presidents' Files
President Warren G. Harding once lost White House china in a poker game.